How a US DJ founded a state and declared himself a dictator

How a US DJ founded a state and declared himself a dictator

Categories: North America | Society | Travel | World

DJ "R Dub!" Randy Williams is from San Diego, California and loves to travel. Despite his demanding work on radio, he managed to find time to visit all countries of the world. In total, Randy visited 193 countries and the last on his list was Turkmenistan. And when, in principle, there was nowhere else to go, he decided to found his own state, not far from home.

How a US DJ founded a state and declared himself a dictator

To create his own country, Randy Williams bought 44,798 square meters of barren desert off Route 78 in Southern California, near his hometown of San Diego. This purchase cost him 19 thousand dollars (1.5 million rubles). He named the territory proudly the Republic of Slowjamastan, in honor of his own nightly radio show “Slow Jams”. He talks about his idea like this:

How a US DJ founded a state and declared himself a dictator

As befits any state, Slowjamastan has a capital, which Williams called Dublandia. This is a more than modest town, in which there is nothing except the president's office. To be fair, this venerable institution is just an old desk sitting out in the open.

Williams calls himself a sultan and admits that most of the time he remains a dictator. Sometimes the ruler still listens to the opinion of the common people:

How a US DJ founded a state and declared himself a dictator

Williams declared the independence of the Republic of Slowjamastan on December 1, 2021. To do this, Sultan Williams conducted a live broadcast while sitting at his desk. The head of the new state is a little sad that Joe Biden did not notice the separation of his country. Randy is sure that the US President simply did not receive his e-mail message. It may have ended up in a spam folder, says the head of Slowjamastan. But the country’s official website says that she is recognized as the Sultan’s mother.

The country has its own currency - double and national music - hip-hop of the 90s. The slogan of the state is “Freedom, honor, respect.” Mandatory laws also apply on its territory. For example, one of them strictly prohibits citizens and guests from wearing Crocs. Violators will face serious punishment - the Crocs will be “forcibly removed and hit on the head with them.”

How a US DJ founded a state and declared himself a dictator

Also, in Slowjamastan you cannot “reply to all” in email, even in work correspondence. For this, violators are forced to use only the Comic Sans font for 30 days, and all other fonts are removed from the computer. The country has a border and one border post. To enter, you must obtain a visa, which is issued by the Sultan himself. There is a warning on the country's website - border violators may pay for their treacherous invasion, since the borders are vigilantly guarded by raccoons.

It is not difficult to obtain citizenship of a new state. To do this, you need to fill out a form that makes several commitments. The applicant promises to “always demonstrate your loyalty and support to the Republic of Slowjamastan,” “throw away the box after eating the last donut or slice of pizza,” and “listen to the national anthem of Slowjamastan at least three times.”

How a US DJ founded a state and declared himself a dictator

To date, 500 citizens are registered in the country. All of them are in the photo on the main Internet resource of the state. In addition, the state legalized 12 dogs. With another 4,000 applications pending, Sultan Randy Williams says Slowjamastan's population is growing rapidly.

Do you want to create your own state? It's not difficult at all. We bring to your attention 7 methods tested in practice.

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