Harsh cats from Finland in the winter expanses
Categories: Animals
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/harsh-cats-from-finland-in-the-winter-expanses.htmlWinter is behind us and in memory of it, we offer you to admire the snowy beauties of Northern Finland, against which fluffy cats frolic. Perhaps these wonderful photos will make this March Monday a little better.
Meet Sämpy, Hiskias Hääppönen, Elmeri, and Nelli, cats that love the snow. In an interview with Rikka Hedman, owner Sämpy and other cats told about these majestic animals, their "career", and also about how Sämpy has become a favorite cat on the Internet. Be sure to scroll down to enjoy the Majesty of these kitties!
"Sämpy — 6-year-old domestic cat. She mongrel, although it looks like a Norwegian forest cat"
"Elmeri, grey cat, 11 years old, and he is also the family cat"
"Hiskias, the largest cat white "socks" and half Norwegian forest cat, he was 2 years old"
"In our social media accounts also have pictures of gray and white cats Nelli, but she died in the beginning of this year", — said Ricca about his cats
The owner also said that Sämpy loves outdoor sports when the weather is not too cold
"She is so happy when he goes with me to a little trip to the old forest near our house"
"There is a small river, and many other interesting places and smells"
"Elmeri and Hiskias prefer to stay in the yard, but sometimes they come for a walk"
Rikka shared the fact that she won the title of "Photographer of the year 2014" in the competition of the Finnish magazine for photographers. The prize? "Super-fast" camera. Rikka was delighted
"I was practicing my photos and received excellent the jump Sämpy"
"I sent the photo in the local newspaper, and it became so popular that the journalists decided to write an article about the cat"
"When the article came out, a lot of people asked me to create for Sämpy own page in Facebook. After I created a Facebook account and Instagram"
Owner Sämpy and other cat believes that the popularity of social media accounts is likely connected with the fact that she usually taking pictures of their cats on the street "in a beautiful setting, in funny situations and not forcing them to do anything".
Sämpy became a beloved cat of the Internet thanks to her thick fur coat and pretty face.
Of course, other seals of Rikki is also beautiful, but the popularity Sämpy them away.
Keywords: Grace | Winter | Cats | Finland
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