Harmful tips on seducing men, or How not to do it

Harmful tips on seducing men, or How not to do it

Categories: World

On the Internet, you can find a lot of advice from psychologists on winning men's hearts. The most popular of them are: be inaccessible, be mysterious, radiate sexuality, make you jealous… Well, and a lot more in the same spirit.

In fact, listening to some advice, you can not only fail the whole "operation" of seduction, but also scare a man away so much that he will not want to see you at all anymore. Here are at least 6 tips, the effectiveness of which is under great question.

Harmful tips on seducing men, or How not to do it

Harmful tips on seducing men, or How not to do it

Perhaps one of the worst tips. No matter how much men advocate patriarchy, few people will like a woman who does not have her own opinion. After all, it is impossible to talk for hours with such a woman, to argue on exciting topics. A woman who agrees with a man in everything can only nod and say "Yes", and such behavior will soon begin to annoy.

Harmful tips on seducing men, or How not to do it

The next "harmful" advice is that a potential partner should have a feeling of jealousy. For example, a girl can act out a call from another man on a date or tell how many fans she has. Anything to awaken the boyfriend's desire to prove who is really a real male here! However, adult, self-sufficient men do not need this. Therefore, in this way it is possible to attract only insecure, infantile "big boys" who did not play enough games in childhood.

Harmful tips on seducing men, or How not to do it

Undoubtedly, being sexy is good! But this is far from the most important thing that worries a man on a first date. Tight clothes, bright make-up, whipped hair and stiletto shoes look beautiful and at the same time frightening. In the eyes of a man, such a girl will look like a "predator on the hunt." In general, everything about the appearance on the first date raises a lot of questions. Someone says that you need to wear the best and show as much as possible, someone says that everything is "interesting", on the contrary, you need to hide it. Our advice: it's better to just be neat and not try to deliberately look attractive. It's always noticeable.

Harmful tips on seducing men, or How not to do it

Yes, and this is recommended by seduction experts. Allegedly, if you look at a man and think about sex at this time, he considers the sexual energy of the interlocutor, he will feel her vibrations and then, as they say, it's in the hat. However, sex is only one of the areas of interest of a potential partner, and people in general. If you think about it too often or talk about it, a man may decide that a girl has very limited interests. Another disadvantage of this method is that when we "force" ourselves to think about something, it immediately affects the facial expressions. Most likely, the girl in this case will not look like a "sexy kitty", but like a schoolboy deprived of intelligence who is trying to remember the multiplication table.

Harmful tips on seducing men, or How not to do it

You know that not everyone likes surprises, and men are so against such gifts in general? We think that they will not like surprises in their behavior all the more. Some experts say that the "pattern break" brings a zest to the relationship and makes the girl mysterious to the man. However, too sharp "swings" in behavior can lead to the partner simply thinking that the lady is a hysterical woman who is not able to control her own actions and emotions.

Harmful tips on seducing men, or How not to do it

One of the most controversial moments in seduction. Someone is sure that inaccessibility causes men to have a "hunter's instinct" and makes them fight for their "prey". Someone, on the contrary, says that excessive isolation and detachment can scare away. We advise you to just listen to yourself. After all, if a man likes and it is clear that he is also interested in a relationship, why push him away? In general, this is a relic of the past, when it was important to demonstrate your modesty and chastity to your partner. Now sincerity and honesty are much more respected.

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