"Glass like a teetotaler", or How to properly hide intoxication

Everyone knows that alcohol is an unmistakable evil. But in the life of any person, it can happen that evil begins to prevail. It also happens that it is impossible to show that you have given up, in any case, and you need to look good at all costs. Here are some tips on how to pretend to be sober without having any acting talent.

"Glass like a teetotaler", or How to properly hide intoxication

Most often, a drunk person is betrayed by his speech. Drunk people like to talk at length, brag and argue about and without. At the same time, their speech is incoherent, their arguments are stupid, and their language is slurred. That is why experienced people are advised to carefully avoid communicating with sober brothers in mind.

"Glass like a teetotaler", or How to properly hide intoxication

Well, if you have to talk, then you should limit yourself to quiet and short remarks. And there is no need to try to joke, since a drunk person has a specific humor and sober listeners almost never share his fun. But they calculate the subject by his speech unmistakably.

"Glass like a teetotaler", or How to properly hide intoxication

Impaired coordination of movements is a suspicious symptom, often giving away a drunk person. He may think that everything is under control, but from the outside it is always more visible. Therefore, you do not need to try to do several things at the same time, such as talking and walking. For a brain besotted with alcohol, this test can be too much and one of the processes can easily lose control.

The smell of a drunk person is the easiest to figure out, because this "evidence" appears long before the tongue or legs begin to slur. If you do not mention the fashionable modern remedies for the smell, then the best products that interrupt alcoholic ambergris can be called bay leaf and ... children's "Orbit". Yes, it is children's, as it contains an increased dosage of flavorings.

"Glass like a teetotaler", or How to properly hide intoxication

Bay leaf can be used both fresh and dry. You can even catch it in soup or jelly. The vegetable product should be thoroughly chewed for a few minutes, while using willpower. After the disgusting bitter liquid begins to burn the mucous membrane, it can be spat out, and the affected oral cavity is rinsed with water.

You can also use validol – let you smell better like an old man, and not like a drunkard. The most radical way to get rid of the smell of alcohol is to cause copious vomiting. Of course, this method is even less pleasant than getting acquainted with the taste qualities of the noble laurel, but sometimes the body itself comes to the rescue, especially after copious libations.

Eyes can turn red for many reasons, but we already have the first rule. Therefore, it is easier to get rid of redness than to prove to your boss with a slurred tongue that you just cried all night because of the damn TV series or played Dota with your son until the morning.

"Glass like a teetotaler", or How to properly hide intoxication

To solve the problem of red eyes, the pharmaceutical industry produces beautiful Visin drops, one bottle of which is enough to provide clear eyes to the crews of three pirate schooners. There is also a more budget option, for example, many recommend simply lying on your back and placing tea bags moistened with warm water on your eyelids. Keep them in front of your eyes for about 5-7 minutes.

But if you can not and do not want to hide your love for hot drinks, then you should look for a job where you can be drunk. This is not a joke – here are 10 jobs where you can not only drink, but also need to.

Keywords: Eyes | Alcohol | Gestures | Drunkenness | Smell | Methods | Life hacks

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