Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Categories: North America

In photography, as in any other art form has its classics. One of them is Garry Winogrand, star of the new York photos. On his account, hundreds of legendary pictures and an amazing biography.

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Harry was born in 1928 in the Bronx. Despite the fact that the photographer assigned to American nationality his parents were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe.

Before you take the camera, Winogrand studied painting at Columbia University. Soon he realized that his talent and vision meant for photography – ever since Harry began to get involved in their new craft.

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

New York, 1968

Master of photography known for having captured iconic America time – 60-e and 70-e years. Then the country was full of life: the inhabitants of cities organized demonstrations, actively engaged in the work, and celebrities could easily meet at social events.

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Marilyn Monroe, 1955

Garry Winogrand is closely associated with the new York Museum of modern art. The Museum literally watched each step in the career of Harry. The first money for the photograph Winogrand earned thanks to the Museum by Edward Steichen, famous photographer, bought the work of Harry for$30.

The photographer hated the phrase "snapshot aesthetics", which is ironic because that phrase is perfect to describe his photographs. No frills or bulky compositions, only the main characters in their familiar environment.

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

California, 1983

Harry didn't care for "correct" composition. In his photographs, he did not follow the classic rules, sometimes allowing yourself to "awkward" to place objects in the frame and fill up the horizon. It makes the works of Winogrand authentic, fresh and outstanding.

In the sixties and seventies, the photographer traveled across America, photographing typical of the time mood: chaos, enthusiasm and rebelliousness. Airport terminals, rallies and a Rodeo – all the specifics perfectly captured by Winogrand.

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

International airport Los Angeles, 1978

Harry lived for 56 years, but even in adulthood, he never lost his youthful curiosity. The photographer was in awe of the world and what surrounds it. "Sometimes I think the world is a place in which I accidentally bought a ticket. For me it is a great show that would not have happened if I was without a camera" – said Harry at the age of 52 years.

In addition to filming, Harry shared his knowledge about photography. He has taught courses at the art Institute of Chicago and at the University of Texas at Austin.

Biggest inspiration Winogrand is new York. Sparkling city life allowed the photographer in one frame to save a few dramatic scenes. Harry could easily meet on the streets of Manhattan with a camera Leica M4 in hand.

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

New York, 1968

After the death of Garry Winogrand, he had found more than 2,000 reels of undeveloped film. Some of them published by the new York Museum of modern art and is freely available on the website page.

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1969

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Of Texas, Austin. From the series "Women are beautiful". 1974

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Los Angeles, 1964

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

The peaceful demonstration. New York, Central Park, 1970

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Coney Island, 1958

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1969

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Louis Armstrong and Velma Middleton, approx. 1954

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

New York aquarium, approx. 1963

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1969

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1969

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography


Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Diane Arbus, 1969

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Muhammad Ali and Oscar Bonavena at a press conference, 1970

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Andy Warhol on the 50th birthday of Norman mailer, 1973

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

A ferry, sailing to the Statue of Liberty, 1971

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Dallas, 1964

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Demonstration at Madison square garden. New York, 1968

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1969

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

New York, 1963

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

The peaceful demonstration. New York Central Park, 1969

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Ball at the Metropolitan Museum. From the series "Women are beautiful", 1969

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

John Huston on the set of the movie "Annie", 1981

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1970

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Approx. 1960

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1968

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1966

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Route 66. New Mexico, approx. 1960

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

In new York's Museum of modern art, 1969

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Coney Island, 1953

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Approx. 1960

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

El Morocco (night club), 1955

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

International airport Los Angeles, 1964

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

El Morocco, 1955

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Park Avenue. New York, 1959

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1950s

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Jackie Robinson, 1961

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Beverly Hilton in a series of pictures "Women are beautiful". 1964

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

International airport Los Angeles, 1964

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Ethan and Laura, 1962

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

New York, approx. 1963

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

New Mexico, 1957.

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1960

Garry Winogrand – the giant of street photography

Untitled from the series "Women are beautiful". 1969

Keywords: 50-e | 60-e | New York | Street photography | Photographer | H/b | Black-and-white photograph

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