Friend among Foes, Friend among Foes: 18 Great cases of Disguise
By Pictolic always what you see corresponds to reality. Sometimes you just have to look closely — and you will be very surprised. But, by the way, eggplants, cats and bleach have an excellent level of camouflage!
Your girlfriends and you.
The most important thing is self — confidence!
Cake "potato".
Almost a slipper.
The third extra.
When everyone knows what's going on and you don't.
I'm delicious and healthy ... Chlorax?
A lousy mixer in a flock of sewing machines.
Almost the same thing…
Guys, I'm with you.
It was the rear. We broke through as best we could…
Was there a boy?
Will he notice or not notice… No, it will still hit!
Models and an ordinary girl.
But how natural! Even the eyes "turned on"!
Here is who exactly in the topic!
Rabbits are the new cats.
Oh, it's an eggplant!
Keywords: World | Positive | Contrast | Disguise | Chance | Absurdity
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