Frank admission: five stories of girls who starred in pornography

Frank admission: five stories of girls who starred in pornography

Categories: Cinema | Conflict | Society | World

The UK authorities are very negative attitude to porn. They repeatedly made attempts to reduce the number of candid videos online, but this initiative came to nothing lead. Genre adult continues to be one of the most popular, but the worst thing is that erotic films are getting worse and worse, losing the aesthetics.

The history of the five girls who worked in porn at some time in their life, will help you to better know what drives people to shooting in explicit movies and how this experience affects the fate of Actresses.Frank admission: five stories of girls who starred in pornographyThe stories of these girls in something similar, but something is radically different. They share one thing — the experience of a porn actress. They starred in adult films and honestly admitted it to his family. The reaction of parents and family was different: someone took their choice, and someone was in hysterics when they find out what daughter does for a living.

Read the stories of five women who were not afraid to talk honestly about his past experiences in the porn industry.

Andre: "My mother was sobbing and insisted that I put myself in danger". Frank admission: five stories of girls who starred in pornography She started working in the sex industry when I was in College. The reaction of the family on her confession was predictable: only the youngest sister was supported by Andre, other relatives or do not want to accept this information, or openly expressed their indignation. Mum cried and said that her daughter was in danger, though he couldn't quite describe what it is, this danger.

Andre starred in porn films for a year when he decided to tell his mother about this. The girl told that she is alive and healthy and happy that I met while working with many interesting people that earns good money. She was proud of herself and wanted the mother also happy for her.

Unfortunately, similar did not understand a choice of the girl, so she broke with them, and consider it as the best decision of my life. Now Andre is trying to help people who work in the porn industry, to tune in and not to pay attention to the family, if relatives do not support them.

Paulita: "you Never know how it will react to others."Frank admission: five stories of girls who starred in pornography

The hardest Paulite was given recognition in his lesson, mom. They were very close and often spoke openly with each other. Fortunately, the girl's mother bravely took this news and supported his daughter. She even expressed a desire to watch latest porn film shot with Paulito in Spain.

Jupiter: "My younger sister just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Cool." Mom was also a lot of questions."Frank admission: five stories of girls who starred in pornography

At first the girl confessed to what he was doing, the younger sister, and then mother. They accepted it and supported "Jupiter". My mother had a lot of questions to her daughter, to which she honestly answered. Learning that her blood was not working as an escort and do not go to the real Dating, the woman said that proud of it.

After two years of filming "Jupiter" called my father and told him about his one man show "in my bedroom" where she played a transgender who sell clips on the Internet. In performance, she appeared wearing that very happy her dad. She is very grateful to their parents for love and support.

Mercy: "Mom said that if I'm going to take pride in your work, it will support me".Frank admission: five stories of girls who starred in pornography

The girl's parents divorced and she was left to live with her mother. One of the sisters who lived with her father, accidentally stumbled upon a photo of mercy on the Internet and was speechless by what he saw: she started to cry and couldn't even talk to the girl. Dad and sister tried to persuade mercy to leave this job, but she remained adamant.

Since then, the girl does not communicate with the sisters, who do not understand or accept her position. Dad she gave me an ultimatum: either he would support her, or leave alone. Mercy thinks he will choose the latter.

Siri: "the Parents found out about my occupation, and their reaction hurt me the hardest".Frank admission: five stories of girls who starred in pornography

Siri successfully built her career as a porn actress, but the connection with family was intense, and she had little contact with his family. This was the main reason why the girl left the porn business: a good relationship with parents was more important to her career. Siri is often faced with a lack of understanding of others who learn about her experience in the porn industry.

Girl wants society to realize that working in the sex industry — it's a job, and those who perform it deserve adoption. Siri is trying to tell anyone who asks her about the past lesson as more and more clear that these discussions have helped to build a better understanding of the topic work in the porn industry and to create a positive attitude towards sex workers.

Confessions of porn actress turned to them in different ways: for some it became a point of no return and break ties with family and friends, while others have strengthened family relationships, making them more trusting. To work in the porn industry can be treated differently, but people in the first place, deserve freedom of choice, so they have to decide which way to go to success and self-affirmation, because each person has their own Outlook on life.

Keywords: Girls | Occupation | Career | Frankly | Porn | Porn actress | Porn industry | Recognition | Work | Parents | Family | Photography | Success | Honesty

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