Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

Categories: Exhibition

Sex exhibition. That's what you imagine when you hear this delightful expression? Most likely, the same as me: heavy velvet curtains, semi-darkness and rows of rubber "products No. 5" immediately after the entrance. In my imagination, the main attribute of any sex shop should have numbered in the hundreds and thousands. And in a form close to natural.

(27 photos in total)

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

Although there was such a thing there, too.

The exhibition "XShow. The World of adult Pleasures", which is now taking place at Belorusskaya (Tishinka shopping center), did not meet my expectations: no burgundy velvet and semi-darkness. Everything is light, spacious, there are two guards at the entrance, as it should be, who did not let people in without a ticket.

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

The first thing I noticed was the minimum of electronic vibrators in their usual form. They helpfully explained to me that the sex industry, like any market, is moving forward and the design of adult toys is changing. The shape and packaging are designed to distract attention and only last of all to admit the idea that this cute thing is used to achieve orgasm, and not for anything else.

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

They even told such a story: a friend's child accidentally dragged such a thing to kindergarten. All day the children played with the thing, and neither they nor even the teacher noticed the trick.

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

For fans of the "old and good" there were also such picturesque showcases.

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

A few years ago, the Russian sex industry was actually completely foreign, today domestic products, as well as cosmetics and nutritional supplements to increase potency from Kazakhstan are on the stands. The guys told me the whole story of the checks and tests that the dietary supplement passed for about 15 minutes.

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

I'm a complete zero in the sex industry, and when it turned out that the formula for happiness is not just rubber penises and vaginas, I was surprised. It turned out that the market grew and began to be perceived in a completely different way: at the exhibition you could meet a lot of stands that are not associated with "adult pleasures" in any way.

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

Several stands dedicated to the atmosphere and interior. Along with bed linen, paintings and lighting, there were very strange exhibits. On the other hand, why not? Maybe someone's marble genital organ really sets up an erotic mood.

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

Since young ladies in bandages over T-shirts and blouses began to appear on the streets, quite a long time has passed, and no one will be surprised by this. I will tell you that compared to the number of harnesses on "XShow. The world of adult pleasures" the choice in any store is a pale nothing. I immediately gave my heart to two stands with leather bandages and masks. Now I'm writing this article and regret that I didn't take anything with me.

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

It was nice to see other "mundane pleasures" at the exhibition. A whole food stand, for example.

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

Contrary to all my fears, the exhibition does not at all evoke associations with something shameful. There are both young girls and couples who have come in search of variety. No one blushes, no one turns pale. And all the "owners" of the stands are friendly, friendly and talk about their products with incredible enthusiasm. It seems that even a trip to IKEA can be more ridiculous than a walk on "XShow. The world of adult pleasures".

Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition


Forbidden entrance: how I first got to a sex exhibition

You have another whole day and a half to see for yourself: today sex is not only pleasant, but also as diverse as possible. «XShow. The World of adult Pleasures" runs until June 4 at the address: Tishinskaya Square, 1, p. 1 (Belorusskaya Koltsevaya metro station), Tishinka shopping center.

Thank you to the Sex Training Center.RF for assistance in preparing the material.

Keywords: Love | Experience | Partner post | Pleasure | Exhibits

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