Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

Categories: Society

Nowadays, it is quite easy to meet a person whose body and face are covered with tattoos. But there are still unique people who are afraid of such extraordinary people. 30-year-old DeeDee Villegas from Cebu, Philippines, was attacked by a priest on a city bus. He exorcised the evil spirit from the girl to the cheers of other passengers. Fortunately, Didi was not injured during the short ceremony.

Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

Didi Villegas made her first tattoo as a teenager, under the influence of her peers. It happened during her college studies, where there were a lot of representatives of the Goth and EMO subcultures. The girl says that her hobby began as a tribute to fashion, but now it is a real outlet that eases her soul.

Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

Villegas claims that she used to get a tattoo when she was depressed or anxious. This helped her, but then Didi underwent a course of treatment with a psychologist and the dependence of mood on the drawings on the body disappeared. But after rehabilitation, she realized that a tattoo is her way of self-expression and continued to decorate her body.

Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

It should be clarified that DiDi does not just paint herself with drawings. She has well studied the art of tattooing and its connection with the customs of the peoples of the world. Everything that tattoo artists have depicted on the girl's skin matters. She herself is an art critic by education — Villegas received a bachelor's degree from the University of San Carlos, majoring in Fine Arts.

Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

Villegas' body is a real tattoo gallery. In total, the girl spent 200 hours in tattoo parlors! DiDi has been covering herself with tattoos for 12 years and this hobby has cost her about 26 thousand dollars (2 million rubles). Not only 70 percent of the Filipina's body and face are covered with ornaments. She even has a tattoo on her eyeballs.

Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

In addition to tattoos, she loves Didi and piercing, which is, including on the girl's face. This complicates her life even more. Villegas knows from her own experience how difficult life in her country is for people who are different from others. Filipinos are quite conservative, especially believers. Often, at the sight of a tattooed girl, people whisper prayers or try to cross her.

Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

The case of the priest who exorcised devils from DIDI right in the transport is just one of the episodes. Villegas just sat in her seat and didn't touch anyone. But the holy father did not need her consent — he did not want to ride next to a "demonic person". The rest of the passengers approved of the actions of the priest.

Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

DiDi Villegas opposes discrimination against tattoos. The girl notes with satisfaction that the situation is gradually changing for the better. People have become more tolerant of those who have tattoos or belong to the LGBT community.

Filipina with "demonic" tattoos was attacked by an exorcist

But the complete victory of common sense is still far away. In an interview with the press, Villegas said that she regularly suffers insults on the street from strangers.

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