Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Categories: Positive

Most of us loved as kids magic tricks, but someone loves them right now. However, the attitude to the hoax became a few others earlier in miracles sincerely believed, and now we wonder how things actually, that is exposing them. We reveal the secret of the magic tricks that well known, but can't always explain.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Some 100 years ago, the focus on sawing a living person forced the spectators to tremble in fear and even fainting, but now even children realize that anything is wrong with the assistant in an oblong box can not happen. The secret of this trick is simple — inside the magician hiding two assistants with high flexibility.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Simple but spectacular enough coin tricks often demonstrate for children's activities. He performed a very simple and requires no complicated props. You only need table, clear glass sealed paper, sheet of paper and coin. That magician is not exposed ahead of time, the glass recommended to keep the paper upside down.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

From ancient times people wanted to learn how to move objects by will or the view, so the trick with flying objects were popular always. The pencil trick is one of the easiest in this category and it does not require the contractor's even a special skill of his hands. For its implementation need only two pencils and a wristwatch or tightly clasping the wrist bracelet.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Another simple but impressive trick with a glass. The magician sits at the table, puts on his glasses and covering it with a handkerchief. After a few passes with his hands or spells handkerchief is removed, and under it... nothing. For successful completion of this rooms need a lot of practice. His secret is to discreetly wipe the glass in a specially suspended under the top of the bag or on his lap.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

During the speeches, the king of pop showed a lot of incredible stunts and one of the most famous it can be considered anti-gravity tilt during the dance. It turns out, the secret is very simple — it's all in special shoes with grooves in the sole and the pins, sliding out of the coverage of the scene at the right time. Home is such a difficult trick to repeat, but you can impress your friends by explaining its essence.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

The ring is rising up the power of thought on the gum looks very impressive. Meanwhile, such a focus can learn how to do each, and very quickly. Take an ordinary rubber band that pulls the bundles of money, cut and threaded it through the ring. Then hold the rubber band to the hand, below it, leaving long tail. Hide it in his fist and quietly hold — gum begins to lengthen, and the ring go up.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Magic tricks with money are the most exciting, so we are organized. Illusion pencil passing through a bill is in the Arsenal of both the novice magicians, and eminent artists, such as David Copperfield. To show this trick, you will need a special pencil of two halves connected by a magnet.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Another great stage magic trick, where, as in the trick of sawing, flexible assistant. However, the girl needs one. Everything is simple — the magician moves the center section specially made box, and the girl inside curves. If you achieve synchronization in movement, it turns out well, very likely.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Magicians demonstrating this focus can be found in every corner of the world, mainly in the tourist areas. To accomplish this long-lasting and effective trick requires bulky and heavy props, but all efforts in the preparation worth it. Floating in the air yoga and wizards, based only on a staff, arouse the enthusiasm of children and adults.

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Exposing 10 simple but effective tricks

Many believe that the tricks swallowing items are the most dangerous. Yes, there are enough of them and risky, but the focus swallowing ball does the contractor is not threatened. Of course, the magician does not swallow the ball, he just blows it. To do this, before filling air props pierced at the tip.

The magician holds the hole with your finger before you start to ingest. Then he just takes them off fingers, gradually blowing props. If you make a scary face and run periodically swallowing, the spectacle becomes even more spectacular.

If equipped with the knowledge of chemistry and physics, a few common household chemicals and to persevere, in the home, you can do real miracles, surprising everyone around.

Keywords: Positive | Stunts | Props | Magic | Illusion | Focus | Performance

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