Elizabeth Lysko is the tallest girl of the Russian Empire, and possibly the world
Categories: Science
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/elizabeth-lysko-is-the-tallest-girl-of-the-russian-empire-and-possibly-the-world.htmlGrowth of peasant Elizabeth Lysko was last measured at age 16 years, so talk about it, as about the highest damsel of the Russian Empire. Later, no one recorded its parameters, so in the Guinness Book of world records has not got it. But most scientists, interested in her phenomenon, believe that Lysko grew, and after 16 years, unofficially breaking all possible records for women.
Elizabeth Lysko was known in childhood. In 1889, the magazine "Niva", wrote that the Paris world exhibition in the Russian pavilion, it was possible to see the girl-the giantess, who is only 11 years old. The edition cited a brief background about the biography of an amazing child.
Thanks to the "Field" we know that the father and the mother a native of Kharkiv province, from the small town of Krasnokutsk. They were simple, Ukrainian peasants, nothing is allocated amongst his countrymen. In 1877 the family moved to the don, where in one of the villages and unusual girl was born.
The first three years Lysko was the most ordinary, unremarkable child. But then it started to happen strange things. Lisa has grown rapidly, significantly ahead of their peers and to 9-10 years was the growth of an adult woman. After 10 years she sped up even faster, while otherwise staying true to her children's age.
Scientists who are interested in the little girl giant, noted that in 11 years, Elizabeth played dolls with other children, but it had a height of 3 feet (2 meters) and weighed 8 pounds (130 kg)! The girl was rough, almost masculine voice, which is wonderfully contrasted with a pleasant facial features.
Alexander Skochinski, in his book "the Macro and micro: data on limits", published in 1986, wrote that from unusual girls family immediately learned to benefit. Her uncle, Michael Lysko, traveled with my niece in Russia and were shown in towns and villages for the money, as a curiosity.
In the book "Acromegaly and gigantism" ametova S. A. and the E. V. Dekinai collected information about the tallest women on the planet known to science. There is in this work and the mention of Elizabeth Lysko, who at age 16 had a height of 2 meter 27 cm. Wherever there is a girl-a giant, she was examined by doctors and academics. In Germany, the Russian woman was examined by Professor Rudolf Vikhrov, suggested that its growth could increase by 13 inches, that is still half a meter.
But after careful measurement of growth in the Anthropological society in Leipzig nobody parameters Lysko was not interested — it was perceived as a curiosity, fairground freak. Unknown to all countries of the world visited this amazing woman. American journal of the Playgoer in 1902 told about the visit of Elizabeth to the U.S., and so she crossed the ocean at least once.
Most researchers believe that this lack of information can only talk about the fact that Elizabeth Lysko died at a young age, during a foreign tour and was buried in exile or exhibit someone's private collection of medical curiosities.
The life story of Elizabeth Lysko amazing, but even more strange can be called a biography of another giant, the Austrian Adam Rayner. This guy during his short life managed to stay with a dwarf and a giant.
Keywords: Giant | Tall | Tour | Girl | Russian Empire
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