Don't lose face! 10 great tips for the order in the house for the winter holidays
Categories: Holidays and Festivals | Life hacks | World
By Pictolic Year's holidays are already on the nose, and all housewives are actively putting things in order in their homes. With the arrival of guests, the festive turmoil reaches its peak, and you need to be alert so that chaos does not reign in the apartment. A British cleanliness expert gave 10 practical tips on how to keep the house clean and tidy in the midst of the holidays. Her life hacks will help you save strength, nerves and not lose face in front of guests.
British cleanliness expert Lynsey Crombie shared the top ten cleaning life hacks. Thanks to them, your house will sparkle on New Year's holidays no worse than Christmas lights.
Here are the secrets of the perfect order that will keep the cleanliness and harmony in the apartment in an atmosphere of festive turmoil.
Prepare a basket or a box in which you can put wrappers and gift packages. So the gift paper will not be scattered all over the house, but will remain in one place.
This unusual life hack is designed not for voracious guests, but for broken glass. If you accidentally drop a glass, collect the small fragments with a slice of bread. They will stick to the crumb, and you will just have to throw the slice with the glass in the trash.
Do not forget to always keep paper towels on hand. They are a daily necessity during fun feasts, when something is constantly spilled or wakes up.
Many people put a special set of glasses on the table during the New Year holidays, which they take out once a year. Sometimes housewives are horrified to discover divorces on them just before the arrival of guests. To get rid of stains, hold the glasses over a boiling solution of water and vinegar so that they are covered with steam, and then wipe with a kitchen towel. Glasses and glasses will simply shine!
On a festive day, a lot of dirty dishes accumulate, but few people will wash it thoroughly the same evening. Put the plates and pots in the sink, fill them with warm water and throw a tea bag in there. Tea contains tannins, which have been used for cleaning for hundreds of years. These substances literally "knock out" fat and dirt, which will soon float on the surface. You will only have to rinse the dishes.
During the holidays, the refrigerator is packed with various goodies, but the mixture of flavors of products is not always pleasant. To get rid of the smell, pour a little soda on a saucer and put it in the refrigerator on the shelf. Ground coffee, oat flakes and lemon or orange peel also cope well with unpleasant odors.
Shaving foam is one of the best carpet cleaners. Even the cheapest foam will remove stains from spilled drinks and sauces. If there was no shaving foam at hand, mix the dishwashing liquid with vinegar and cold water and soak a clean cloth with this solution. Apply it to the stain and gently remove the contamination.
In order not to sit on the floor, crouching in an uncomfortable position, wrapping gifts in wrapping paper, you can use an ironing board as a desktop. If you suddenly have blunted scissors, cut a piece of foil with them, and they will become sharp again.
In the pre-holiday turmoil, housewives often have something burning on the stove. To get rid of the smell of burning in the kitchen, pour a little vinegar into a saucepan and put it on a slow fire. The vinegar will start to evaporate and the unpleasant smell will disappear immediately.
Unfortunately, in a hurry, housewives often hurt their fingers while peeling vegetables or slicing sandwiches. If blood gets on clothes or an apron, it can be easily cleaned with salt and lemon juice. Rub the mixture into the stain and leave for half an hour, and then rinse with cold water.
On holidays, the oven works overtime, so it needs a good cleaning. When it cools down after cooking, sprinkle the soda inside and sprinkle with vinegar with a spray. Leave the solution overnight. In the morning, dirt and grease will be removed quickly and easily.
They say that the kitchen is the face of the hostess, so it is important to keep it clean and tidy. Another British cleaning expert told about 7 places in the kitchen where the most dirt accumulates, and advised how to get rid of it.
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