Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went

Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went

Categories: Animals | Art | Design and Architecture | Entertainment | People | Photo project | Positive | World

Designers were once again challenged by one of the many DesignCrowd competitions. This time, participants had to creatively dress animals using Photoshop. The rules were simple: contestants had to put any clothes on any animal of their choice. "The animal doesn't need to be dressed up completely; even giving it earrings is good..."
Contestants were encouraged not to "simply paste an animal's head onto a human's body" but to be more creative by changing "the exposed parts of the human to match the animal's parts."

Artists had 48 hours to participate, and they delivered. We have selected the best 30 images from hundreds of submissions, and we hope you will enjoy them.
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Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went


Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went


Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went


Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went


Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went


Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went


Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went


Designers Were Challenged To Dress-Up Animals In Human Clothing, Here Is How It Went


Keywords: Designers | Animals | Human clothing | Photoshop | Photo manipulations | Designing | Photo editing

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