Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

Categories: World

Few people think about the fact that sometimes the most mundane things keep secrets, and not always decent ones. We have been using an object for years without thinking about its origin and are amazed to learn its true nature and the history of its appearance. Get to know well-known things anew and we guarantee that from now on you will look at them quite differently.

Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

The sweet bun, well known to all of us, has a very ancient history. Even in pre-Christian times, these bakery products were baked for ritual purposes to ensure fertility of their lands. The sacral significance in the rites of muffins was obtained due to its shape — in the form of female genitalia, which are directly related to fertility.

Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

This loaf during the fertility holidays symbolized the masculine principle. Most often, bagels were baked for the wedding table, but not everyone was treated to them, but only the groom and his unmarried friends. It is quite logical that the bride and her girlfriends were treated to buns at this time.

Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

Many tourists, after spending a vacation in India, return home with numerous souvenirs. Various exotic symbols applied to pendants, bracelets and earrings are especially popular among our vacationers. Often the sign depicted on the product turns out to be not too decent, like this "yoni" symbol depicting a female genital organ.

Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

The well—known symbol of tender feelings - the heart, in fact, turns out to be not as romantic a symbol as is commonly believed. In ancient Rome, it was often painted on walls and fences, but it did not mean spiritual longing, but lower feelings. Simply put, what we consider to be the heart today is not at all similar to this organ because it has symbolized the head of the penis since ancient times.

Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

The souvenir industry has convinced us that the ancient Egyptian symbol angh, which many call the Coptic cross, means rebirth, resurrection, the triumph of life. This is absolutely true, but few people know what these associations are connected with.

It turns out that in ancient Egypt, this cross with a loop first meant the penis of the main creator deity, and later - a member of the god Osiris. After Seth killed his brother, he chopped up his body and scattered it on the ground. Isis collected all the parts except the phallus, which she had to sculpt out of clay. It is with this lost part of God that angh is connected.

Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

The French name of this confection is "baiser". The word was previously interpreted as "kiss", but modernity makes its own adjustments. In modern French youth jargon, "bizet" means nothing more than sexual intercourse.

Bun, heart, bezeshka — obscene secrets of the most ordinary things

This huge flower, thanks to its unusual appearance and vile smell, is known not only by botanists, but also by people who have nothing to do with flora. In Japan, an excellent soup is made from the root of this plant, without going into scientific systematics. Maybe in vain, because in Latin the flower is called "amorphophallos", which means "ugly penis". Bon appetit, Japanese gourmets!

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