Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesity

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesity

Categories: Animals | Food and Drinks | Health and Medicine

Not only people suffer from overweight problems, but also animals. Veterinarians say that the number of overweight pets is constantly growing. In the UK alone, there are about 2.7 million cats and dogs that have crossed the permissible weight limits.

Fortunately, these six fuzzies managed to lose weight and become active again thanks to the attention and care of their owners. Read their stories further.

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesityThe statistics summed up by British veterinarians are frightening: the number of obese pets has increased by 49% compared to 2018. Overweight pets experience the same difficulties as fat people, not being able to move normally.

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesity

13-year-old royal spaniel Oscar gained extra fat, packing weekly dinners for both cheeks. His owner, 59-year-old Karen Allen, recalls that the dog was so fat that he could barely walk around the house during a walk — the woman had to carry the dog home in her arms. Karen left her pet under the supervision of her parents when she went to work. Her father cooked lavish dinners for Oscar and often spoiled him with goodies. As a result, the spaniel's weight reached 21 kg.

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesityThe hostess realized that something needed to be done urgently with this. One day she found out about a competition for obese animals held by the charitable veterinary society PDSA. She decided that the dog should take part in the competition and reduced the portions of food for the spaniel. The family stopped giving him sweets, and after six months the dog lost twice as much weight and won the competition.

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesity Seven—year-old Labrador Alfie weighed 62 kg - almost twice the healthy weight. His 76-year-old owners Irene and Anthony Mather (Irene and Anthony Mather) decided to do something when they noticed signs of arthritis in the dog. Despite the fact that they walked the pet twice a day, the dog continued to get fat.

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesityThe owners have reduced the portions of food for the Labrador and limited him in sweets. Now Alfie weighs 47 kg and drives around the park, although before he could only walk slowly next to the owners.

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesity Luigi the beagle weighed more than 30 kg, but dropped 10 kg and won the title of the slimmest dog in the pet club. His owners, 28-year-old Perry Eady and her husband Matt (Perrie and Matt Eedy), say that the dog became very sluggish after castration and found solace in food. Now his life is active and busy, and most of all Luigi likes to walk in the fresh air.

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesity The huge rabbit Lola ate about a bag of carrots a day and weighed more than 7 kg. Her owners, 50-year-old Karen and Gary Birks, helped the 5-year-old pet lose 2 kg, reducing a huge amount of food to a 100-gram low-calorie portion per day. In addition, they let the rabbit out into the garden so that she could "shake" well.

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesity Helen Cohan took Poppy from a homeless shelter, thinking that no one would want to take such a fat woman. The 10-year-old cat weighed 6 kg and lost a kilogram in two months.Poppy's hostess, a Pilates instructor, began to carefully monitor the weight of the fluffy pet. She gave her a low-calorie meal, breaking the diet into small portions. The woman put the bowl at the bottom of the stairs to make the cat move more.

Breathed a sigh of relief: 6 pets who got into shape after obesity

33-year-old Carly Williams helped his pug Charlie lose a kilogram after the pet's weight reached 10 kilos. The owner put the dog on a diet consisting of raw carrots and liver, and attached a tracker to his collar. On his Facebook page, Carly warned everyone not to give the pug sweets. Now the dog has become much more energetic and cheerful.Excess weight prevents animals from leading an active life in the same way as people. So that your fluffy pets are always happy and healthy, take care of them properly, pampering them with games and attention, and not just with sweets.

Animals need only a cozy home where they are loved for happiness. Pets change before our eyes when they are taken from the shelter and given family warmth.

Keywords: Owner | Diet | Pets | Changes | Cats | Rabbits | Overweight | Obesity | Weight loss | Dogs | Owners

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