Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate

Is it necessary? Yes! And not at all because a Russian person is only given a reason to celebrate something. Although wait, yes, that's why.

Do you know the myth that we use only 10% of the "power" of the brain? Even if we imagine that this is true, then how unfair is the universe, since a person spent part of an already insignificant percentage on inventing a National Day of flip-flops or World Toilet Day. Obviously, terribly unfair. But to neglect — waltz! Since the holiday has already been invented, it's a sin not to celebrate it. 

(13 photos in total)

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate

International Mother-in-Law Day

The very name of the holiday immediately puts us at a dead end. It obliges to exclude from the number of celebrants all, except husbands and mothers of their spouses. Because for everyone in this world, the conditional Maryvanna is a loving mother, a caring grandmother, a skilled wife. And only for the conditional Peter, the husband of Lyuba's daughter, she is not just a Maryvanna, but a mother-in-law. 

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


Bearing in mind that in the same stupid legends, the mother-in-law complains about the lack of attention and boredom, the best gift will be a ticket to a spectacular event. For example, to the theater. If Maryvanna has already walked through the auditoriums, watched the exhibitions, rolled cucumbers into jars, but she is still full of enthusiasm — throw the theater at her feet. Or rather, into her hands. It sounds strange, but UGEARS has a real wooden model of the theater — you can assemble one, and then be proud of the dexterity of your own fingers.    

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


Pancake Day

Yes, the phrase "I like to have fun, especially to devour" is about this holiday. In distant States, they envied the Russian Maslenitsa, showed off and came up with their own holiday — Pancake Day. It is celebrated on one of the Tuesdays of February. If you are accidentally brought to a foreign land and you are faced with this event, then you have three options.

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


First, bake pancakes yourself (locally - "pancakes") and fill up the neighborhood with them. Secondly, it is a joy to give a shiny new pancake maker as a gift and thereby hint that it would be nice to bake "pancakes" for the whole neighborhood. And the third option is to show off well and give the right person, the pancake master, a timer for cooking. There are a lot of them in stores, but all are dull and terribly boring. Give a wooden UGEARS timer — a constructor that, after assembly, will help to count down the time and will remain in the kitchen as a fashionable interior item. Your pancake maker will not forget this. 

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


International Day WITHOUT Internet

When progressive humanity realized that the World Wide Web was specifically zombifying, it strained and bright minds came up with a panacea — a day WITHOUT the Internet. In an ideal Universe, computers are turned off on this day, smartphones are turned off and people communicate with each other live. As statistics show, this method does not work a damn thing. 

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


We found one that will work. If you want a relative or acquaintance to enjoy the absence of the Internet, urgently give him a wooden mechanical train UGEARS. It will take 10-12 hours to assemble this miracle thing. The finished train is started using the simplest mechanics and travels on wooden rails. Get ready for the following reaction: "What kind of computer? I'm collecting a train here for the fourth hour!"

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


World Blonde Day and World Brunette Day

Both holidays were invented so that women would have an extra reason to scratch each other's eyes out. A joke, of course. After all, we found out at the beginning that every holiday was invented solely to drink. 

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


Both strange holidays are another reason to show your lady of the heart (or just a lady) that you love her, appreciate her and "that's it." Lucky if the young lady is humorous. The blonde, along with a standard gentleman's set of jewelry, underwear and stuffed animals, is handed UGEARS tributes with the words "I don't believe in myths about blondes" — let her collect. They can also be safely handed to brunettes, whispering conspiratorially: "A gift is not for blondes at all"…

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


Birthday of the Russian vest

In Russia they serve in the army. And after the service they return "a completely different person." He "saw life", "smelled gunpowder" and knows where crayfish hibernate. Provided that among your friends are those who served in the Navy, you must remember the Day of the Russian vest! It is celebrated on August 19. On this day in 1874, at the initiative of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich Romanov, who was then the highest naval rank - Admiral General, Emperor Alexander II signed a decree by which a vest (a special undershirt) was introduced as part of the mandatory uniform of a Russian sailor. 

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


So on this day, feel free to congratulate the sailors. Give them expensive vodka, a piece of premium ship rope, a cat named Kruzenshtern or a silometer. Because nothing makes a sailor happier than the opportunity to show all his might.

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


International Pirate Imitation Day

In continuation of the maritime theme, there is another reason for celebration. Do not forget about the vest, hat and boots. We stock up on rum in large quantities, because what kind of pirate will do without "yo-ho-ho"?

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


If there is a desperate lover of the sea and criminal among your friends, he will be pleased that you remember him on the Day of imitation of pirates. Give a cool cocked hat, a sword or the same boots. But he probably already has them. Do not forget, the right pirate needs a place where he will hide treasures (read: salary from his wife). That's where the UGEARS wooden safe will come to your aid. The lock mechanism is like a real safe, and you can't open the door if you don't know the numeric code. And while your friend collects this safe, he will have the impression that he found the vault himself, in the middle of nowhere, having overcome terrible storms and storms. 

Birthday vests and other holidays with which the devil knows how to congratulate


Sometimes it really doesn't hurt to dilute the gray everyday life with a festive drive. If you still decide to throw a party or get into a "strange" celebration as a guest, the promo code UGBP2 is valid for you for a 15% discount on all wooden UGEARS models.

Keywords: Party | Friends | Ideas | People | Partner post | Gifts

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