Best friends are a dog and an elephant

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

Categories: Animals

This is not “Elephant and Pug” for you - everything is serious here. No one barks at anyone, no one argues, no quarrels and irritations. Only friendship, bright feelings and a sea of positive. Strange but true: a black dog and a huge elephant have become best friends. They walk together, play together, bathe together, dry off together, and do not spill water at all. This is such an unusual, but sincere friendship!

(Total 9 photos)

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

1. By the way, the elephant is a very useful friend. You can ride on it.

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

2. And he can also give a massage.

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

3. Arrange a tour of the river.

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

4. A dog can be sentry.

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

5. And then use the elephant as a personal trampoline.

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

6. And the size of this friendship is not a hindrance!

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

7. At the end of an active day, you can sit in an embrace and watch TV.

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

8. Best friends!

Best friends are a dog and an elephant

9. And let everyone else envy!

Keywords: Friendship | Elephants | Dogs

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