Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

Categories: World

The famous Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov was born on May 3, 1891. Today he would have turned 122 years old. Neither the author nor his works need an extra introduction. We invite you to take a virtual tour of the first Mikhail Bulgakov Museum in Russia, established by the government of the city of Moscow in the “bad apartment” No. 50, well known to all fans of the novel The Master and Margarita, which is on the 6th floor of building 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. The apartment frightened local residents with strange phenomena, and sometimes with outright devilry. Follow me, reader! Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? May the liar be cut off his vile tongue!”

(Total 28 photos)

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"


Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

2. The museum does not start in the apartment itself on the 6th floor, but much earlier. The staircase in the entrance is painted and painted by admirers of Bulgakov's work.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

3. Here are favorite quotes from novels, and drawings (of course, the most popular character is the Behemoth cat), and a controversy between haters and lovers of The Master and Margarita. There are also enough trivial inscriptions that any tourist should leave near the sights.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

4. Over time, the drawings and inscriptions on the walls of the entrance change - the old paint crumbles. But the most curious drawings were photographed and hung on the walls in the museum itself.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

5. In the autumn of 1921, having arrived in a hungry and homeless city, the writer and his wife settled here, taking a room in a huge communal apartment. Here at night, before moving in the summer of 1924, he wrote his first Moscow works. The very image of a “bad” communal apartment and a “peace” at home will haunt Mikhail Afanasyevich for many years.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

6. The atmosphere of the time when the most famous novels were written in one of the rooms is recreated in the apartment. The furniture was borrowed from Bulgakov's apartment in Nashchokinsky Lane.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

7. "Bad apartment" - a museum where you can immerse yourself in the environment of the Moscow period of Bulgakov's life.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

8. By the way, museum workers call Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich and talk about him as a good friend.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

9. Even on the stairs you can hear classical music in a good performance - in one of the rooms of the museum a pianist played music that could well have sounded here in the 20s.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

10. The next room of the museum is dedicated to the house itself. Here are fragments of the house before restoration - part of the radiator, a wooden beam, and many interesting pieces of stucco from the walls and ceiling.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

11. Employees have collected archival documents here, plans and drawings of the house, there is also an old photo of almost a century ago.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

12. The former communal kitchen is striking in the number of different “necessary” things.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

13. Here you can find old dishes, and huge bottles, an old trombone and several stoves. I don’t play pranks, I don’t touch anyone, I fix the primus, - the cat said, frowning unfriendly, - and I also consider it my duty to warn that the cat is an ancient and inviolable animal.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

14. The portrait of a gloomy middle-aged woman on the wall in the kitchen is noteworthy - this is the prototype of the same “Annushka the Plague”, which inadvertently spilled sunflower oil on the tram tracks.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

15. The apartment turned out to be a point of contact with three eras of Russian reality - with post-Soviet modernity; with the era of the "Soviet past" (its way of life, its literature, its tragedies and its lessons); with the era of pre-October Russia, of which Bulgakov was a full-fledged citizen until the age of 26, and whose nostalgia he transferred to his books.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

16. Somehow one feels the involvement in history, in the personality of the writer, and it is very interesting to think that a beloved classic woman could look in the mirror.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

17. An old photograph.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

18. "People are like people. They love money, but it has always been ... Humanity loves money, no matter what it is made of, whether it is leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, frivolous ... Well, well ... ordinary people ... in general, they resemble the former ones ... the housing problem only spoiled them ... "

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

19. One of the rooms in the “Bad Apartment” is dedicated to the legendary editorial office of the Gudok newspaper, in which M. Bulgakov, Yu. Olesha, I. Ilf and E. Petrov, V. Kataev, V. Paustovsky worked in the 1920s, V. Mayakovsky.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

20. Furniture from the editorial office of Gudok, 1940s.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

21. Photographs by Alexander Rodchenko.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"


Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

23. It is in this apartment that the other world and the world of modern Moscow will collide.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

24. Bulgakov's room was closed. The exhibition has been updated.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

25. Again we go down the stairs, look and read.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

26. Ahead of us is the Night of Museums. Be sure to visit the "Bad apartment".

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

27. Patriarch's Ponds - a corner of Moscow, associated in the minds of the townspeople exclusively with Bulgakov. At the same time, the monument to the great writer has not yet been erected in Moscow. At the hour of a hot spring sunset, two citizens appeared on the Patriarch's Ponds.

Behemoth, Annushka and other inhabitants of the "bad apartment"

28. Intermission, scoundrels!

Keywords: Apartment | Love | Master and Margarita | Moscow | Museum | Writer

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