Beauty at home: how to freshen up at home
Categories: Fashion | Life hacks | Society | World
PictolicWhile pandemic coronavirus has not ended, we are constantly going to be another quarantine. At any moment, beauty may again close, and women will again have to suffer from the lack of haircuts, manicures and other beauty treatments. Not to panic, to eventual lockdown you can prepare in advance, and learn how to maintain the beauty, without the help of professionals. Learn how to look your best, without leaving home, from our material.For most women, the closure of beauty salons in a period of quarantine — one of the most unpleasant news. But don't panic: we'll tell you how to care for themselves at home without the help of professionals. With our tips, you will be able to remove artificial nails and eyelashes, straight cut bangs and make the hair removal.
Not all do Botox injections regularly. To save on costly procedure, it is possible to suspend the process of aging at home with the help of massage. Start each day with exercises for the face are easy to find on the Internet.
If you are not able to bring the eyebrows in order to correct the situation will help the hairspray. Cosmetologists recommend to use the forceps only when necessary, and recourse to the laying of the eyebrows. To make a beautiful shape, smooth the hair and carefully spray them hairspray. Then gently comb the brows with a slightly damp toothbrush. Then you will see where there are extra hairs and can remove them, not visibily too much.
Those who have thick eyebrows can thin it out with nail scissors, but first they also need a comb to form came out symmetrical. If you want to dye your eyebrows at home, spread vaseline on the skin around them to prevent staining. Before treatment, comb the hairs back to evenly apply the paint.
Hair removal in beauty salons is very expensive. Many people use at home the razor or a special cream, but the hair grows quickly and the skin remains irritation and cuts. Experts recommend to use only high-quality razors that have moisturizing strips with aloe Vera or serum.
And, you can use a home appliance. It does not irritate the skin and removes even the most thin hairs. Such a device is expensive, but regular visits to the beauty salon will cost more.
For owners of bangs quarantine can be a challenge. To cut it straight by yourself is not so simple. Most importantly, what advise hairdressers, never make her wet! First comb hair and then, holding the scissors vertically, cut strand by strand. So you will achieve a natural effect, without risking the edge curve.
Those who dye your hair, you can try to do it at home using cream paint. If you don't want to risk it and want to wait before going to the hairdresser, way too. To hide gray roots can be regrown with the help of cosmetics for eyebrows and mascara brushes. Stylists recommend not to dye your hair in one tone: in the background of the strands of different shades of gray will be less noticeable.
With the onset of the heating season, our hair becomes more fragile. Dry air in the apartment leads to the appearance of split ends. To protect hair from breakage, experts recommend to lubricate them with special oils and to hide for the night under a silk cap or scarf.
In addition, every week apply mask to hair and don't use metal barrettes. Do not comb your hair too often.
Those who are accustomed to the sun, can replace the UV tanning. Before applying the tinting tool you need to programirovanii the skin, but it is important not to overdo it. Use protective cream for sensitive areas — elbows and knees.
You should start with the feet, apply the movements down. Try to distribute the tone evenly. Hands move from armpits to wrists, and under drawing tools on the back look carefully in the mirror. For the face, mix bronzer with moisturizer progresiva near the line of hair using cotton swabs.
False eyelashes look beautiful, but to remove them yourself is pretty easy. In any case it is impossible to pull them! Instead, use castor or coconut oil. Apply it no less than 30 minutes, and then gently massage your eyelids. That way your natural eyelashes will become thicker and longer and artificial will gradually fall out.
As in the case of false eyelashes, it is impossible to break the gel coating from the nail. To remove the gel, you need to hold the nails in a container with acetone for 10 minutes. You then gently file off the top shiny layer of the nail file to the surface was matte. If the layer is too thick, after being cut down once again wrap the nails with cotton wool soaked in acetone, and wrap the top with foil. Wait 10 minutes and then carefully remove the coating.
It is important to remember that our skin is affected not only proper care, but also how we sleep.British beauticians have shared shocking photos that show how sleeping on your side can cause wrinkles.
Keywords: Looks | Hair | Home | Women | Close | Quarantine | Leather | Cosmetics | Cosmetology | Face | Nails | Preparation | Procedure | Advice | Eyelashes | Beauty | Tips | Care
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