Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

Categories: Positive | Social Networks | World

When people have a lot of free time, they start looking for somewhere to spend it properly. And many people are visited by the idea of doing repairs or decorating the house. But not everything that looks cute and easy to perform in YouTube videos is actually so…

Meet: the most oblique Internet users and just losers in life, for whom everything breaks down at the most inopportune moment!

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"My roof collapsed last night»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"I hate myself": a door for a cat with my own hands

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

My wife bought a new flower in a pot and put it on the shelf above the toilet. An hour later we heard a wild crash…»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"New kitchen cabinets decided to go for a walk at 4 am»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"When your glass sink accidentally explodes at three in the morning»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"The workers painted our doors and forgot to put a plastic coating on the floor»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"And on Instagram, this idea to refresh the closet door looked so easy and simple!»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"We forgot to turn off the main water valve in the country for the winter»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"My wife asked me to measure the door, and I told her that all the doors are the same size…»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"I got up for the night rain. Failed»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"When you live in Svalbard, Norway, and forget to close the window to your home office»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

It was a rude awakening in the middle of the night

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"I just broke the door handle and hurt myself. I'm also locked in my apartment now»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"I slipped in the bathroom, landed on the toilet»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"While I was away, a cabinet in the kitchen fell down. All my favorite dishes are smashed to pieces. It's just as well-there's no food anyway: it was all gone, because the cabinet in flight opened the refrigerator door»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

Houston, we have a problem

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"I thought a little and got distracted while I was carrying cans of paint to the basement»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"I think I need a bigger bucket»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"The shower door silently self-destructed while we were sleeping»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"A tree decided to visit me»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"Good morning!»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"It's so hot in Australia that even street lights can't stand it»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

What happens if a load-bearing wall is demolished during repairs

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"And why do these things usually happen at night?»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"The storm almost didn't move the plastic chairs, but the grill flew into the pool»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"The candle smelled particularly fragrant last night. Now I see why»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"I guess I'll have to change my apartment now»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"A small nail was stronger than two hammers»

Bad luck, so bad luck: 30 domestic disasters, when everything is shattered

"I just pulled the earphone wire…»

"We are quarantined because of covid. The heater is out of order, the master can not come – also on insulation. I decided to fix it myself, tripped over a pipe and fell through the ceiling. Here I am with my hands!»

Keywords: Photo collection | Disaster | World | Positive | Life | Series | Social networks

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