Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Categories: Positive | World

Have you heard about the philosophical principle of Captain Edward A. Murphy? It sounds like "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong", which means: "If something can go wrong, it will definitely go wrong". Of course, this is just a joke. But in every joke, as we know, there is some truth. And these 22 photos are a perfect proof of that. Everything went wrong for their authors for sure.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

"My son was teasing his sister, and she threw a Switch controller at my parents '75-inch TV"

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Does the insurance cover this at all?

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Guess who won't have an omelet for breakfast today.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Fortune cookies for the truly lucky ones.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

"I put together a puzzle of 1000 parts, and then I saw this..."

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

"But I have a protective coating of tempered glass and a beautiful case!"

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Be prepared for surprises when you order things online.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

It was so hot outside that the air conditioner just decided to explode.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Unopened bourbon for $ 50 at a temperature of 46 degrees…

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Who knows, birds have diarrhea?

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Before you give up sunscreen, take a look at this picture.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

The device with toys failed just at the moment of receiving the prize. A coincidence?

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

"9 years ago, my mother took a hairdressing course and decided that this was enough to cut my brother's hair"

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

"The house burned down just on the day when I decided to sell my business"

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Someone broke into the free zoo and stole all the donations.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

"I think I have a snake on my roof"

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

The windshield was cracked from the heat.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Do you also ride a bicycle with gloves on?

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

The air conditioner fell from the 4th floor… Well, have a good time surviving this summer.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

"The kitchen was flooded last month. Because of this, the wiring is in an emergency state, and today I was told that it needs to be changed. And I also found out that the cat needs an operation. At the end of the day, I heard a click… It seems that it was my patience"

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

Thieves broke a window for $ 500 to steal a small purse with tools.

Bad luck, so bad luck: 22 examples when the day was not set

When there are only 30 minutes left until the end of the working day…

Are you lucky or vice versa? If anything, do not be upset – there are many of us!

Keywords: Photo collection | World | Positive | Selection | Funny | Humor | Failures | Failure | Fail

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