As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

Categories: Animals | Positive | World

The Fox was destined to go on a fur coat — and now she has her own house and a loving family!

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

A few months ago, the animal rights organization Open Cages investigated the conditions of animals on fur farm in Poland.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

Fox was hungry and scared.

They wounded paw on thick rusty lattice.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

Some tried to escape, others have lost all hope.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

Among those who managed to escape from the cells, there was a little red Fox.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

She wandered around the cells scraps.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

The activists managed to lure her and took with them.

Fox showed the vet — her health was not the best.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

Fox passed all the necessary treatment.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

At first she was afraid of people, but the inspections were brave.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

Fox was named Frane.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

After treatment, the Fráňa moved into my own house.

She was very curious.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

The beginning of frane happy to communicate with other animals.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

She became more confident.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

She for the first time were able to run through the grass.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

She curiously studied the unfamiliar smells.

She started to play with toys...

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

... and dig in the dirt.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

For it opened up a new world.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

The fráňa for the first time can behave as naturally to foxes.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

A Fox today continue to suffer on fur farms.

But activists say there is hope for change.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

Poland and Estonia are close to signing an agreement to ban fur production. It will save millions of Fox lives a year.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

Activists invite all of you to support the agreement.

As Fox frane Polish farms gave a new life

Well, frane now out of danger in her new safe house!

Keywords: Life | Beast | Fortune | Farm

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