Angelina Jolie's cheekbones: what men look like before and after "beauty shots"
Categories: Fashion | Health and Medicine | Social Networks | Society
By Pictolic upon a time, cosmetology was an undivided female patrimony. Men turned to beauty specialists only in the rarest cases and not from a good life. But now everything has changed and more and more guys are resorting to beauty treatments. This is not surprising, because the stereotype that a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey has become obsolete. There is nothing wrong with that, if, of course, you know a sense of proportion.
"Angelina Jolie cheekbones" is a fashionable women's trend. But he had a lot of followers among men. This topic was not of much interest to users, until a video went viral on the network a couple of months ago. In it, the cosmetologist demonstrates how a man's face changes after the introduction of fillers into the cheekbones.
It is easy to see that the lower part of the face after the upgrade becomes wider, and the face is more expressive. But not all users approved of such interventions.
Controversy broke out on the network and a lot of caustic jokes appeared. Of course, the increase in the cheekbones of a woman was most often criticized.
In some cases, the cheekbones actually look somewhat unnatural. Maybe it's all about the contrast "before" and "after", but critics don't care much.
Even freshly created memes on the topic of “out-of-this-world” male beauty were used.
And also remembered the old memes, which everyone has already begun to forget.
What cheekbones to live with is a personal matter for everyone. The main thing is that their increase does not become the meaning of life, like Anastasia Pokreshchuk from Kiev.
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