An elusive corpse has been traveling around the United States for several years
Categories: North America
By Pictolic people dream of traveling all their lives, but they do not dare to go further than the neighboring town. But after death, almost everyone plans, on the contrary, to plunge into eternal rest. But not everyone gets it. American Jeffrey Merryweather has lived in Atlanta, Georgia all his life. In 2019, he was killed, but did not rest in peace. Jeffrey's death was only the beginning of his journey, which continues to this day.
A small-time drug dealer, Merryweather, was shot dead in the parking lot of a McDonald's in Atlanta. The criminals loaded the body into a car and hid it in the basement of the garage. They found it only 10 days later, when it was already badly decomposed. This prevented the exact circumstances of the death from being determined. The pathologist who conducted the autopsy came to a dead end and needed the help of colleagues.
Therefore, after spending a few days in one of the Atlanta police morgues, Jeffrey's remains were sent to St. Louis, Missouri. Usually a special car is used for such purposes. But for this it was necessary to draw up a bunch of papers and wait a long time for a response from higher authorities. Therefore, the remains of Merriweather were wrapped in plastic wrap, packed in a box and sent... by mail.
More precisely, the parcel went to St. Louis, located just 750 km from Atlanta with the FedEx postal service. It was a gross violation of protocol by the responsible person, but who among us did not break the rules at work? A relatively short distance, the creepy package was supposed to cover a maximum of a day, but something went wrong.
Soon the medical examiner from Atlanta became aware that the mail did not reach the addressee. All attempts to find out where the box with the body went to nothing. The expert had no choice but to confess to his superiors. A corpse is not a phone case and its loss becomes a big problem. Relatives of the deceased Merriweather attack the police department, demanding to give them the body. And no one knows where it is.
For three years now, a parcel with the corpse of a dead man has been traveling around the USA. Repeated attempts to find the ill-fated box in FedEx warehouses have not been successful. So the unfortunate Jeffrey, who did not leave his native Atlanta during his lifetime, unwittingly became a tramp after a tragic death.
It remains to be hoped that Jeffrey's body will not suffer the fate of another corpse-a wanderer from the USA, who found peace only after 66 years.
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