American soldier brought a cat from Afghanistan

American soldier brought a cat from Afghanistan

Categories: Animals

US Army Sergeant Jesse Knott, who served in Afghanistan as part of an international military contingent, did the impossible: he ferried his only friend, a street cat named Cat, from war-torn Kabul to his home state of Oregon.

Attachment to this stray animal, often a victim of human cruelty, helped the soldier survive the horrors of war and maintain mental health. In gratitude for this, Nott made it his goal to get the cat out of the military hell in which he lived.

(Total 6 photos)

American soldier brought a cat from Afghanistan

American soldier brought a cat from Afghanistan

1. “I lost faith in myself and in God. And then this cat came and said to me: "Hey, buddy - you are you." He helped me get out of the worst state I have ever experienced - and I decided that I would help him get out of the worst place in the world.

American soldier brought a cat from Afghanistan


American soldier brought a cat from Afghanistan

3. Knott developed a plan to rescue the Cat. He formed a connection with an Afghan-born army interpreter who risked his life to deliver the animal from the battlefield to Kabul airport. Separately, it is noted that if the Taliban suspected an Afghan of helping an American soldier, he would be executed.

American soldier brought a cat from Afghanistan

4. However, the interpreter succeeded in his mission, and the Knott family paid $3,000 to have the cat flown from Kabul to Oregon, with transfers in Islamabad and New York.

American soldier brought a cat from Afghanistan


American soldier brought a cat from Afghanistan

6. Knott currently serves in the state of Washington. He plans to end his military career soon and move to his family in Oregon, where his faithful Cat is waiting for him.

Keywords: Afghanistan | Military | Cats

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