Amazing Research Results

Amazing Research Results

Categories: Nature | People | Photo project | Production | Science | Society | World

Science never ceases to amaze us. Did you know that you can increase your chances of winning a Nobel Prize by eating more chocolate than usual? Or that investing money is bad for our health? Want to know more? Read our material about the amazing results of scientific research.


Amazing Research Results

1. In December 2012, a Japanese brewery stated that drinking beer (we are talking about its main component - hops) in large quantities can protect against cold and serious diseases such as pneumonia or bronchitis. According to research by… the Sapporo Brewery, a chemical compound found in hops protects against viruses. (Photo: Andrey Rudakov/Bloomberg).

Amazing Research Results

2. Brisk walking (daily) reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 40 percent. So say the Danish scientists. (Photo: KEVIN LAMARQUE/Reuters).

Amazing Research Results

3. The American scientist Messerli discovered a direct relationship between the country with the highest consumption of chocolate and the number of Nobel Prizes received by its inhabitants. Conclusion: Eat More Chocolate to Increase Your Genius Level! (Photo: REX/Image Broker).

Amazing Research Results

4. Investing money is bad for your health. Scientists believe that people who invest their money, as well as those who are a participant in the money markets, are more likely to suffer from insomnia, and tachycardia and they also have a more “explosive” character. It has also been proven that most investors experience constant stress. (Photo: Corbis)

Amazing Research Results

5. The harm from the eaten yolk is the same as from smoking. This study was conducted by scientists at the University of Ontario on people prone to heart disease. It turns out that the yolk has a bad effect on our arteries, causing atherosclerosis. (Photo: AP Photo/Larry Crowe; Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg).

Amazing Research Results

6. Drinking six or more cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of skin cancer in women. Researchers claim that the antioxidants contained in it are able to protect skin cells. (Photo: David Ryder/Bloomberg).

Amazing Research Results

7. It turns out that rich people cheat and lie more than others. Psychologists who have tried to understand the relationship between social status and ethical behavior of people have come to the conclusion that people with higher incomes are more prone to cheating, lying and other unethical actions. This study was conducted by scientists from the University of Berkeley. (Photo: Tetra Images/Corbis).

Amazing Research Results

8. Diet can lead to weight gain. Researchers believe that the “eternal diet” can lead to endocrine, metabolic, and psychological disorders, as a result of which a person will constantly “snack” something, and thoughts about food will become simply obsessive. (Photo: Rex Featu).

Amazing Research Results

9. Elephants can recognize themselves in the mirror. American scientists came to this conclusion by placing a mirror in front of three elephants and observing their reactions. (Photo: REX/Blend Images).

Amazing Research Results

10. Sheep can recognize other sheep. According to researchers at the Babraham Institute in the UK, sheep create mental images in their heads. (Photo: AP Photo/Matthias Rietschel).

Amazing Research Results

11. Curvy women are smarter. The researchers confirmed this by comparing the hip and waist circumferences of a group of women with their intelligence test scores. (Photo: AP Photo/Paul Miller).

Amazing Research Results

12. Women in red are more attractive. So say the psychologists from Central China Normal University who conducted this study. (Photo: CARLO ALLEGRI/Reuters).

Amazing Research Results

13. Dilated pupils indicate sexual orientation. A study conducted in 2012 showed that sexual orientation can be determined based on the reaction of the pupils (dilation or contraction) to another person. Both heterosexuals and bisexuals, gays and lesbians took part in the study. (Photo: Terri Lee-Shield Photography).

Keywords: Research Results | Science | Scientific research | Nobel Prize | People | Life | Nature

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