Amazing natural phenomena

Amazing natural phenomena

Categories: Nature

No matter how limitless the technical capabilities of the show may be, nature leaves the most famous screenwriters and directors far behind in the entertainment of "performances". Possessing incredible power and indescribable beauty, she creates fantastic spectacles. Any of the phenomena and creations of nature cannot be described in words — they just need to be seen with your own eyes at least once, taking a place in the first row.

Amazing natural phenomena

Amazing natural phenomena

At night, the coastal waters of Vaadu Island are illuminated by thousands of blue lights. The light source is phytoplankton. The blue backlight "turns on" the electric pulse resulting from the oscillatory movements of the waves.

Amazing natural phenomena

The Mariposa-Monarch Biosphere Reserve with an area of 56,259 hectares from November to March becomes the home of up to a billion individuals of monarch butterflies. Insects flock here for the winter from the US border zone. As a result of one of the most complex animal migrations in the world, the entire forest is covered with a colorful living "carpet".

Amazing natural phenomena

Due to the interaction of charged particles from explosions in the Sun with the upper layers of the atmosphere, such a natural phenomenon as the Northern lights arises. The so-called Northern Lights belt runs from the Lofoten Islands to the North Cape. It is believed that the chances of seeing the northern lights here are much higher than in any other place on the planet.

Amazing natural phenomena

The Japanese compare the cherry blossom with the beauty and transience of life. For a period of 7-10 days, hundreds of trees are covered with white or white-pink flowers that look like floating pink clouds from afar.

Amazing natural phenomena

Yasur volcano on the island of Tanna demonstrates all its strength and power every day since about the 18th century. This is the only volcano in the world that continuously erupts, constantly throwing out incandescent lava flows and ash.

Amazing natural phenomena

One of the main attractions of Holland are considered to be fields of tulips. The most popular place to observe their flowering is the Royal Keukenhof Flower Park. 4.5 million tulips of 100 different varieties are planted in the park, which from mid-March to mid-May can be seen in all its glory.

Amazing natural phenomena

Yellowstone National Park in the USA is famous not only for its picturesque landscapes and nature. Yellowstone is also a huge geyser field, numbering about 3 thousand geysers, which is 2/3 of all geysers in the world.

Amazing natural phenomena

Dust particles released by the Swift-Tuttle comet burn up in the earth's atmosphere, falling out in the form of a star shower. In August, the number of meteors reaches a maximum: up to 60 meteors fall per hour, creating an incredible show in the sky.

Amazing natural phenomena

Victoria is the only waterfall in the world, extending more than 100 meters in height and more than 1 kilometer in width. Every minute it throws down 550 million liters of water, forming a huge cloud of spray, for which the locals nicknamed it "thundering smoke".

Amazing natural phenomena

Due to the strong current, abundant in plankton, thousands of fish of 3000 species swim in the waters near the island of Sipadan. In the natural "aquarium" you can see, for example, triggerfish, tuna, parrot fish, mackerel, as well as flocks of barracudas, which create tornadoes several times a day.

Keywords: Amazing

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