All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses

All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses

Categories: Photo project | Positive

Have you ever noticed how your face relaxes after one glass of wine? And after two? After three in general, it can be difficult to somehow control the facial muscles: the smile does not leave the face, and a cunning squint appears in the eyes.

All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses Source: Marcos Alberti Photography

Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti decided to find confirmation of the statement, which can be translated something like this: "The first glass of wine is for food, the second is for love, and the third is for unrestrained fun." At first, for the sake of a joke, he filmed his friends sober, after one glass, after two and after three, and then decided to turn it into a wine photo project. He invited different people into the studio and shot all shades of drunk. That's what happened.

All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses


All shades of drunk: face before and after a couple of glasses

Keywords: Wine | Faces | Moments | Project | Drunkenness | Photographer | Photo moment

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