Adorable flying dogs

Adorable flying dogs

Categories: Animals | News | Photo project | Positive

Adorable flying dogs

1. Photographer Julia Christe, 41, lives in Tettnang, Germany, 180 kilometers west of Munich. Julia has two dogs, and although she is not an animal photographer, she decided to take such a funny series of pictures in which dogs fly. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

2. Despite the surprised and even a little frightened faces in the photographs, everything was in order with the dogs during the photo shoot. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

3. The photographer has no doubt that many four-legged people liked the shooting and they would gladly take part in them again. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

4. “Not every dog is born to fly, but some have great talent to become real “shooting stars,” said the photographer. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

5. “The expression on their faces mostly reflects the surprise from the first flight, and in most cases the photos of the first jump were the best,” says Yulia. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

6. Dog advocates can rest assured that no animals were harmed during the photo shoots for this project. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

7. “My photos have caused a variety of reactions, from admiration and surprise, to fear among animal rights activists,” said Julia Christe. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

8. "It's raining like a dog." (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

9. These dogs do not have wings, but they can fly. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

10. According to Julia, her dogs become stars. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

11. The photos were taken from a low height on mattresses, and for greater effect, the dogs were blown with air from an aerodynamic machine. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

12. The owners of dogs during the photo shoot were always next to their pets. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

13. We got some really funny pictures showing dogs from a different perspective. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

14. Dog flight. (Photo: Julia Christe).

Adorable flying dogs

15. Quadrupeds in the air. (Photo: Julia Christe).


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