About the full realm of laziness
Categories: Animals
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/about-the-full-realm-of-laziness.htmlYou are lazy, asexual, like bamboo? Then this is the realm for you! Carefully, under the cut "mi-mi-mi" in a particularly concentrated form!
This Panda breeding centre is located in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. We must pay tribute to the Chinese, for pandas here recreated natural habitat. The nursery is located on the territory of forty acres, in fact it is one continuous forest with rare tracks and decking on which crowds of tourists. Border cages artfully hidden by vegetation. I think pandas would not notice the fact that they live in captivity.
Chinese sharpener pencils.
China launched a program of breeding pandas in captivity, about forty years ago. Today it is the world's largest nursery, and it has about ninety individuals. All they do all day is sleep, in between sleep eating bamboo in large quantities. The first time I was here in 2007, just before the earthquake that destroyed most of the Park. The Chinese are quickly rebuilt and a new nursery looks even better than before. Interesting fact: China sells pandas abroad. The most that can count foreign zoo is to take the beast to rent for a modest price of one million dollars per year. The offspring derived from these individuals, is the property of China.
By the way, contrary to popular belief, the color of the Panda is not so black-and-white, but rather black and lemon, with a small pale yellow spots on the belly.
The cartoons they are cute and adorable, but in reality it is a huge beast with a yellowish fangs in finger length.
... but without the "mi-mi-mi" is not enough.
The story would not be complete without this faded ruffled beast. This is also a Panda, only red. The size of a large Fox. Rather, the Fox.
What to do Monday morning? — as if he thinks the Panda, picking his teeth with a bamboo stick.
Judging by the stunned face, not bamboo they smoke grind!..
Another eat...
... and sleep!
Keywords: China | Animals | Panda nursery | Sloth | Touching | Mimimi
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