About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Categories: Auto

One of the users of the entertainment portal shared an impressive guide to transport in the harsh conditions of Chukotka. Then the story of valerarigow: "Hello, I will tell you not about the "Gelendvagen", but about real hard workers who have to carry geologists across the expanses of Chukotka, where a decent person has never set foot. About personal experience and all-terrain vehicles that I had to work with."

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

So, from simple to complex. Uaz. There are no comments here, everything is clear.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Ordinary SUVs are sometimes useless there. In the photo, the Anadyr Bay in the hummocks. Because of them, trucks, UAZ trucks and others cannot get from the airport to the village (6 km). Urban arsonist, so to speak.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

The hundredth kruzak in the drain. It sinks perfectly in the newly thawed permafrost and swamp. It is suitable for small trips within the village and to places where there are dirt roads. In winter, they try not to jam them, and they leave them wound up all night, otherwise the diesel engine cannot be started in the cold without heating.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

A prepared SUV. In this case, Toyota Surf. Well, or "Forraner". There is also a suspension elevator, and a body, a winch. But all the same, you can't go far in these parts, except on winter roads. You can already go hunting and fishing, but no more than five.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Homemade. That's what the local guys design out of desperation. A transitional version of the evolution of the SUV to the "Trackol".

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

"Trackol". A good all-terrain vehicle. It floats, but it's shaking to ride in it, you fly to the ceiling. Rides well on snow, mud, swamp, but does not climb steep hills at full load, the engine is weak. Because of the large wheels, discs and half-axles often burst on rolls. With flat tires, the patency increases sharply, but this greatly spoils the sidewall of the tire and microcracks appear in it. The wheels begin to poison, so much so that the auto-pumping does not have time to pump them up.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

This one is already carrying eight people and has great reliability due to the fact that it can move without two wheels. He does not like it when it is overloaded — the fiberglass body tears off at the attachment points to the frame. With a strong gust of storm wind, it can turn around and even overturn due to its low mass (2.2 tons). A winch is a useless thing, since there is practically nothing to cling to in the tundra.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

In a 6-wheel "Trackol", if you turn off one of the bridges in the distributor, there is a chance that the cardan will break when loaded off-road. In the photo, the driver mechanic is just busy replacing it.

With the increase in load capacity, the equipment becomes more serious and heavier.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

"Ural". The car is serious, heavy-lifting, but it can get stuck in the right hands.

The driver was driving along the road and decided to cut through the tundra, but flew into a swampy area. Here's the bottom line.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Fortunately for him, a gang of geologists drove by on MTLB and pulled him out.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

"The broom." She's MTLB. A workhorse, according to the totality of the TTX, the most successful all-terrain vehicle. And passable, and swims, and climbs steep climbs. Carries seven people or more. Eats decently, from 20 to 100 liters per hundred, depending on how and where to go. Carries 2.5 tons of cargo. You can drive it for 500 km, but in pairs or threes. This way can take a week.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Disadvantages of the "broom". They put a winch in front of the factory, right where the nostrils of this cute piglet are located at the bottom. In general, an ingenious technical solution. The broken cable flies straight into the front and into the driver, and therefore we dismantled all these bad winches as unnecessary so that there was no opportunity to use it.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

It forces rivers well, but it can also drown if the drain kingstones are not clogged beforehand, as happened in the photo. Well, the second one came to the rescue and managed to pull it out.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

But so much snow falls in Chukotka, so, for example, you.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Bulldozers. Good crooks. They climb mountains, row snow, trample roads, drag containers and fuel tanks, beams on sledges. Small bulldozers with wide tracks are considered swamp walkers, but they also drown in lenses of permafrost solifluction on slopes, and even more so in swamps. Pulling a hippo out of a swamp is not easy, but it is possible. In a quarry, such a swamp walker is useless — on rocky rocks it hardly unfolds on a wide slope.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Skidder. It climbs well into the mountains, but has narrow tracks and therefore sinks. But it has a good gear ratio and can carry heavy attachments on hard ground. In the photo, a bulldozer pulls out a skidder.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Heavy machinery, although it has an all-wheel drive, pushes through the rolled winter road due to its weight of 40 tons (and loaded at all 65-70 tons) and can move within the quarry and dirt roads, at the extreme — on frozen ground. This one is considered explosive on top of everything else.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

"Moose". Passable, reliable, but, infection, expensive and difficult to repair. And you can't take away a lot of cargo on it.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

"Beaver". He's a crazy stool, he drives on snow better than a racing Ferrari, but very small.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

All-terrain vehicle GAZ. Not a bad thing, but weaker MTLB and less load-bearing, also floats.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Snowmobile. Created more for pampering than for serious work. But the locals drive it for 200-300 km, clinging to the back of the sled and stuffing 5-10 people into them. You need to dress very warmly. Dangerous technique, if you drive hard. For hunting — the very thing!

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Heavy bulldozers are also good crooks, but still they are designed to work in a quarry and therefore equipped with a narrow track. Only when shod in it, they will be able to turn around on the rocky ground on the spot and therefore move poorly off the quarry road.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

Finally, a photo of an old bus.

About real SUVs in the conditions of Chukotka

There is no ideal technique, there is only the most suitable for certain tasks and conditions. There are many more excellent all—terrain vehicles in the world - "Chetra", "Vityaz" and many, many others, and they are all good in their own way. I happened to meet these.

And it is not the most powerful and prepared all-terrain vehicle that overcomes the road, but the smartest and most experienced driver with the help of skill and brains.

Keywords: SUVs | Roads | North | Cold | Chukotka

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