Abortion from the evil one: Satanists from Texas may be allowed to terminate a pregnancy

Abortion from the evil one: Satanists from Texas may be allowed to terminate a pregnancy

Categories: North America

Despite the outrage of feminists, on September 1, a law came into force in the state of Texas, USA, prohibiting abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy. But it is quite possible that it will not affect everyone – the state authorities plan to allow the supporters of the temple of Satan to terminate the pregnancy. Yes, this is done not so that Satanists do not multiply, but so as not to infringe on their rights.

Abortion from the evil one: Satanists from Texas may be allowed to terminate a pregnancy

In the case of Satanists, the law banning abortions has come into conflict with the Law on Religious Freedom. Adherents of Satan adhere to the belief in their faith that the human body is inviolable and only he can dispose of it. It follows from this that Satanists themselves have the right to decide whether to have an abortion or not, and no one has the right to interfere in this, even the state.

Abortion from the evil one: Satanists from Texas may be allowed to terminate a pregnancy

But that's not all. It turns out that for Satanists in the United States, abortion is a sacred ritual directly related to their religious beliefs. Devil worshippers believe that the termination of pregnancy is a kind of sacrifice. Oddly enough, but for the authorities of the state of Texas, this fact becomes another reason to allow this medical procedure.

It is known that the debate between Satanists and government officials arose after a woman who professes Satanism sued the state for being harassed on her religious beliefs. The example of this lady was followed by the leaders of the temple of Satan, and then lawsuits from other adepts poured into the courts of Texas.

This is not the first case in the United States. In October 2020, the Satanists filed a class action lawsuit in a Massachusetts state court. They insisted that the ban on abortions deprives them of a " sacred religious ritual." The second lawsuit was filed later and in it the state's Temple of Satan defended the right to place billboards along the roads with the promotion of" rituals " of abortions. Lawsuits in the state courts have been going on for almost a year.

Abortion from the evil one: Satanists from Texas may be allowed to terminate a pregnancy

The law on religious freedom, which Americans are trying to comply with with all their might, makes life easier not only for Satanists. It is known that thanks to this official act, some Indian tribes can use the peyote cactus containing the narcotic substance mescaline in their rituals without fear of the law.

Satanists in the United States are always actively fighting for their rights. Among the most high-profile scandals, we can mention the protest of the Satanists of the state of Mississippi against the motto "We believe in God" on the new flag.

Keywords: USA | North America | Religion | Rights | Laws | Abortion | Satanists | News of the day

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