A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

Categories: Animals

Although the little Bengal tigress Aasha was nine months old, she weighed only 13.5 kg, like a three-month-old tiger cub. The poor animal belonged to a traveling circus, where he was mistreated, and he was also bullied by a much larger tiger. Fortunately, Vicki Kihi, the founder of the Texas rescue and research organization In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center, took the tigress under her wing. And a real miracle happened.

(8 photos in total)

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered Source: Bored Panda

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

The little tigress was so sick that she weighed only 13.5 kg instead of the 54 kg prescribed for her age.

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

When she was just rescued from a traveling circus, she had bald patches almost all over her body, and her skin was dry, cracked and bleeding in places.

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

"Every day, twice a day, I gave Aasha medications and spent time with her," recalls Vicky Kihi.

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

At first, she had to chase Aasha to get her to immerse herself in a therapeutic bath. But the tigress soon fell in love with these procedures, and her condition improved significantly.

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

"After eight months, she looked like a real tiger," says Vicky.

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

Aasha was then introduced to an older tiger named Smaggler ("Smuggler"), who fell head over heels in love with her and showed off in front of her all the time.

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

Now both live in the same enclosure. Aasha is a healthy and beloved tigress.

A sick circus tiger cub, weighing four times less than the prescribed weight, miraculously recovered

And still loves to take baths very much!

Keywords: Diseases | Veterinarians | Before and after | Health | Rescue | Tigers | Circus

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