A Russian schoolboy accidentally wrote an encyclopedia about memes: the boy misunderstood the teacher's assignment

A Russian schoolboy accidentally wrote an encyclopedia about memes: the boy misunderstood the teacher's assignment

Categories: Positive | Society

12-year-old Valery Kuznetsov from Tyumen became the new star of the Internet, by mistake writing a whole book about memes. But it was not the muse that prompted him to create his own mini-encyclopedia. It's just that Valera misunderstood the teacher's assignment…

A Russian schoolboy accidentally wrote an encyclopedia about memes: the boy misunderstood the teacher's assignment Source: Twizz

The amazing story of the young writer began with the fact that he received a task on technology – to make a book. It was meant to assemble a mock-up of the book and make a binding for it, but the boy took the task too literally…

A Russian schoolboy accidentally wrote an encyclopedia about memes: the boy misunderstood the teacher's assignment

This is how the "Book of Memes" was born, which describes in detail the history of the appearance and development of these entertaining pictures. There are several chapters in the publication — "Memes before the advent of the Internet", "The very first memes" and "Memes of modernity".

A Russian schoolboy accidentally wrote an encyclopedia about memes: the boy misunderstood the teacher's assignment

The book has 66 pages in total. It is available both in electronic and paper form. You can buy the Book of Memes edition for about 120 rubles.

A Russian schoolboy accidentally wrote an encyclopedia about memes: the boy misunderstood the teacher's assignment

Dad helped the boy to arrange the book. He said that when Valery asked him where he could print the book, he was very surprised and did not immediately take it seriously. Then the father read his son's draft and saw a clear, structured work that has the right to life.

A Russian schoolboy accidentally wrote an encyclopedia about memes: the boy misunderstood the teacher's assignment

Then dad helped Valera register on Ridero, and then the young writer already acted independently — edited, designed the work, contacted the company's representatives, agreed on publication.

A Russian schoolboy accidentally wrote an encyclopedia about memes: the boy misunderstood the teacher's assignment

An illustration from the first chapter of the book

It is worth noting that Valery Kuznetsov has been interested in writing since 2015. Around the same period, the student became interested in the Internet industry. He has his own YouTube channel and a Vkontakte group, which is also dedicated to memetics.

That's how, it would seem, an ordinary mistake could turn into a real success for a child.

Keywords: Internet | Memes | Schoolchildren | Humor

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