A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

Categories: Animals

Once, during a tour of the territory of his plot in the Trans-Baikal Territory, a farmer accidentally discovered four small kittens on the site of an old cattle station. The kids were completely helpless, and the man realized that they needed to be rescued. Although the kittens looked a little unusual, not like ordinary cats.

The farmer turned to the representatives of the International Reserve "Dauria" in the hope of finding out the breed of kittens in order to properly care for them. However, in the reserve, experts have confirmed that the foundlings are not quite ordinary cats.

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

The kittens turned out to be the cubs of Pallas's cat, or manul, a rare species of wild cat that lives in Central Asia. The employees of the reserve, in order to feed the newborn babies, gave the kittens to two ordinary cats, and, fortunately, they accepted them.

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

Manul is listed in the Red Book with the status "close to threatened". Hunting for manul is prohibited everywhere.

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

From an ordinary cat, manuls are distinguished by a denser physique, short and powerful paws and very thick fur.

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

When the kittens grew up, they had to be released into the wild.

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

However, the employees of the reserve could not leave their foundlings completely unattended and put collars on them.

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

At first, the manuls visited those who saved them, but soon they grew up completely, matured and weaned themselves from people.

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

Actually, this is exactly what their rescuers were striving for — to raise abandoned kittens and release them into the wild.

A Russian farmer saved not quite ordinary kittens on his plot

Keywords: Kittens | Cats | Manuls | Rescue | Predatory cats

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