A rare atmospheric phenomenon - ice needles, what they are and what they look like

A rare atmospheric phenomenon - ice needles, what they are and what they look like

Categories: Nature | World

There are many natural phenomena in the world: some of them are quite familiar to us, like a rainbow, while others are very rare. Ice needles or diamond dust are considered one of these rare atmospheric phenomena.

A rare atmospheric phenomenon - ice needles, what they are and what they look like

Ice needles are a unique and beautiful natural phenomenon where tiny ice crystals hang in the air, creating a dazzling spectacle. These crystals appear in cold weather, when the temperature drops below −10...−15 °C, and they are especially beautiful on sunny or clear days.

A rare atmospheric phenomenon - ice needles, what they are and what they look like

Looking at ice needles is like watching a painting in motion. Their shapes and sizes are constantly changing, creating unique patterns, from thin and graceful, reminiscent of strings of ice, to larger and more impressive formations. At night, illuminated by moonlight or city lights, they turn into luminous pillars that seem to reach towards the sky.

A rare atmospheric phenomenon - ice needles, what they are and what they look like

These wonderful crystals are not just beautiful winter pollen. They are similar to those that form clouds at high altitudes, creating sun pillar effects. But unlike them, ice needles can be seen right near the ground, and they are considered a special atmospheric phenomenon. This phenomenon is most common in cold polar regions, but can sometimes be seen in other places during extreme cold.

A rare atmospheric phenomenon - ice needles, what they are and what they look like

Ice needles form when the air near the ground becomes very cold and the air above becomes warmer. Under such conditions, ice crystals form that look like diamond dust and can cover an area of 20 to 300 meters. They resemble fog, but in reality they are small ice crystals that do not interfere with visibility like regular fog. These crystals form at very low temperatures and have a unique hexagonal shape.

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