9 reasons to stop saving and spend money from the heart
Categories: Economy | People | Society | World
By Vika https://pictolic.com/article/9-reasons-to-stop-saving-and-spend-money-from-the-heart.htmlThere is a lot of talk about financial literacy these days. There are books, podcasts, and blogs that tell us how to spend properly, what to save on, how to increase capital, and other important things. Naturally, the need to reasonably approach expenses is mentioned everywhere, but few people talk about the fact that sometimes saving can be harmful.
Of course, if you spend money on various trifles, then this will surely turn into a complete collapse for your family budget, even if you earn decently. But even total savings do not lead to good. We need a balance so that money is beneficial, and for the soul as well. And there are 9 reasons to sometimes relax and allow yourself to spend money on things that are not the most necessary, but that you love so much.
1. You can fully relax
Often, savings begin with cutting spending on all entertainment - cinema, bowling, and trips to country complexes. Of course, you can live without all this, but it's rather dreary. You need to go out in public and periodically change the location at least for the weekend in order to fully relax.
2. Will be motivated to earn more
To make good money, you need to rest properly. Without a change of scenery, this is not always possible, and this, as a rule, brings with it additional costs. But then you will be full of strength and desire to work better and more efficiently. Moreover, instead of thinking about where else to save, you will think about how to earn more. And this is a different level of thinking.
3. Expand your horizons
You can stay at home in the evenings and weekends so as not to spend an extra penny, because there are so many temptations around. But with this approach, you are degrading. And could go to the theater or go to another city.
4. Relieve stress
Everyone knows that shopping relieves stress. But here it is important not to indulge in all seriousness. For shopaholics, of course, walking around the mall will be a big test, but for those who do not have problems with self-control, it will be a pleasant pastime.
5. Take a break from problems
In difficult times, it can be difficult to switch from problems to something pleasant. If you allow yourself to spend a little money, then for a while you can shift your focus to other aspects of life.
6. Unleash your potential
When deciding to pursue the strictest economy, often people transfer the cost of education to the column of unnecessary expenses. And this is a very gross mistake - you need to continue learning even in crisis situations because this is the best investment in the future that you can think of.
7. Life will become more interesting
If your life is like groundhog day, then soon you can go crazy. You can diversify leisure is not very costly ways, but however, some amount of money will still have to be spent. And they certainly do not need to feel sorry for themselves.
8. Find new friends
In a new environment, it is easier to make interesting acquaintances. Expansion of social contacts is very useful for personal development, and for self-esteem, and for the soul too.
9. You will spend your personal time on useful activities
Of course, you can just lie on the couch and watch funny videos on social networks, but there is another option to do something useful - sports, learning languages, or mastering a new profession. This, of course, requires certain financial costs, but the benefits are endless.
Are you for saving or for spending?
Keywords: Saving money | Economy | Business | Financial literacy | Finance | Money | Earning money | Increasing capital
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