9 Proven Ways to Get Rid of bags under your Eyes
Categories: Fashion | Life hacks | World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/9-proven-ways-to-get-rid-of-bags-under-your-eyes.htmlWake up in the morning, and the bags under your eyes are right there and spoil the view? Here are 9 effective ways to say goodbye to them.
Puffiness occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the eye area. Thin skin can aggravate the situation — then impressive dark circles will also show off on your face. I want to hide all this by all means, but it's better to remove it forever. One question remains: how?
This collection contains the best tips and folk remedies of all times and peoples. Moreover, there are both fairly simple and radical ones, such as recommendations for blepharoplasty. Choose one or more methods and check their effectiveness — the bags under the eyes will definitely go away.
Salt is an interesting element. It would seem to provoke thirst, but in fact delays the excretion of fluid from the body.
If you have indulged yourself with salty for dinner, be ready to find bags under your eyes in the morning.
Smoking and addiction to alcohol also serve as the main provocateurs of puffiness.
Nicotine and alcohol interfere with the production of collagen, because of this, the skin becomes thinner, especially under the eyes. Accordingly, your dark circles will be much more noticeable.
For a short time, but quite effectively hide puffiness and dark circles help special patches under the eyes. Store them in the refrigerator, and they will also become a cold compress.
Decorative cosmetics also help. For example, apply a concealer or a light foundation to the borders of the swelling under the eye — this way, at least, you will disguise your tired appearance.
If you sleep several times less than normal, and this is 7-9 hours of sleep, then it is not surprising why you have bags under your eyes.
Get enough sleep, and most of the unpleasant consequences will probably go away.
Lift the pillow by 3-5 cm, you can put something at the head of the bed - so excess liquid will not accumulate.
And do not fall asleep on your stomach face down: this pose provokes the flow of fluid to the eyes the most, hence the swelling.
Swelling may also occur due to seasonal exacerbation of allergies.
A consultation with a doctor will help here: exclude possible allergens, take an antihistamine and make an appointment with an allergist.
Tea, black and green, contains caffeine, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
Brew two tea bags, hold them in hot water for 3-4 minutes. After that, leave in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, squeeze and apply to the eyes. It is enough to sit for 15 to 30 minutes, and the swelling has disappeared.
Used natural coffee, which remains after brewing in a turk or in a coffee machine, will help no worse than tea. Make a compress under the eyes and leave for about half an hour. Then finish the care with a moisturizer.
Bags under the eyes can be removed with the help of cold. The simplest version of the compress is a cotton pad soaked in cold water.
You can use metal spoons: wet them under a stream of cool water and apply the convex side to the skin. Well, where without the standard circles of fresh cucumber or potato slices, is also a method.
Not only for direct surgical intervention. With age, people develop natural fat deposits under the eyes, which are easily removed with the help of harmless peels, injections or laser resurfacing.
The effect of such procedures will last for quite a long time, but then an addition will be required. Blepharoplasty — eyelid lift, during which you will remove excess fat and tighten the skin around the eyes, will help to get rid of the bags forever. The result is instant and spectacular.
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