8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

Categories: Technology

Not everyone likes to wake up early in the morning. "Owls" sometimes come to their senses only by noon, but, unfortunately, most of them have to get up for work early in the morning.

In our review of 8 gadgets and applications for people, the morning rise for which is a real torment.

(Total 8 photos)

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning Source: novate.ru

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

1. Coffee maker with built-in Wi-Fi

Sometimes the smell of freshly brewed coffee is the only thing that will get you out of bed. Now you can make yourself a cup of fragrant favorite drink without even raising your head from the pillow. A coffee maker with built-in Wi-Fi, which can be controlled from a smartphone, will help with this.

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

2. Alarm clock that makes you do exercises

If you install this application on your smartphone, then the blissful nap in the morning will come to an end. This alarm clock will not turn off until a person gets out of bed and turns around his own axis twice, while tilting his smartphone at a certain angle.

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

3. Alarm clock that simulates the dawn

Philips has managed to create an unusual alarm clock that provides a gradual awakening by simulating dawn. Wake-up Light fills the room with light that fades from red to yellow.

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

4. Alarm clock that determines the best time to wake up

A smart alarm clock will be able to determine the best wake-up time for a person. Using it is very simple - you need to put your smartphone on the edge of the bed. Further, the alarm clock, using motion sensors (which must be present in the smartphone), determines the phases of sleep and wakes the person up at the most opportune moment.

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

5. Smart organizer

Poncho is a personal assistant organizer that will allow you not to waste a lot of time in the morning on various little things. He will tell you what to wear (by checking the weather during the day) and the best way to get to work (by checking the streets for traffic jams and public transport for flight delays).

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

6. Fun morning planner

HabitClock app is an alarm clock organizer that turns routine activities into a game process and allows you to develop good habits. First, you need to enter your morning routines and habits into the application, and then the alarm clock will remind you with a call about what needs to be done.

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

7. Morning cheat sheets

Instead of remembering in the morning what exactly needs to be done today, you can just look at the screen of your smartphone. Sunrise Calendar, which can connect to Google Calendar, iCloud Calendar, as well as social networks, will collect all the necessary information and tell you anything - from the weather to who celebrates his birthday.

8 devices and applications for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning

8. If all else fails

Few can fall asleep to the sound of a jackhammer. This alarm clock sounds even louder - it emits a sound of 113 decibels (a jackhammer produces only 100 decibels). And if this is not enough for someone, then Sonic Bomb Alarm provides a vibration device - you can put the alarm clock under the mattress. Even the most notorious couch potato will wake up.

Keywords: Alarm clock | App | Sleep | Morning

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