7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

Today, bloggers are the real heroes of our time. They earn a lot of money doing what they like, and isn't this an ideal option for any person? That is why there are especially many people who want to become bloggers, especially on the YouTube service. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in achieving success in this field, but we will try to formulate the basic rules that help to achieve popularity.

7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

Who can become a blogger? Yes, anyone! The main thing is to tell your audience what you really understand and do it in the most accessible way possible. For example, if you know how to do a cool manicure or repairs in apartments — this is already a reason to start your own blog and start sharing your experience.

7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

It is worth starting a blogger's career with the definition of a topic. You need to decide what exactly you will offer to your audience on the Internet. The topic of the channel must meet three main criteria: you understand it, it fascinates you, it is interesting to people.

If you do not understand car repair, it is better not to take up an autoblog, even though you have wanted to become a mechanic all your life, and this topic itself is mega-popular. You will not be able to attract subscribers and will only waste time in vain. It is better to take up the topic of finance or law, construction, pet care — that is, for what is not only close to you, but also what you understand.

7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

But do not forget that you create an account on YouTube not for the soul, but for other users. The topic should be interesting to people, and, preferably, to a wide audience. If you make a video about the selection of fruit flies, it is unlikely that anyone other than a few narrow specialists will appreciate your work. Popular beauty blogger Irene Vladi, whose accounts are subscribed to more than 420 thousand people, told about the choice of the topic as follows:

7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

The name and description of the YouTube channel play an important role, because looking at them, the visitor makes a decision — to go and view the content or scroll through the search results further. Give up too long and intricate names — all the best brands — Apple, Tesla, Dior are very simple and easy to remember.

If you are promoting your person, then use your name in the title, and if your channel is thematic, then it is best to somehow reflect its topic. The blog description should contain only valuable information for visitors. As a rule, two or three sentences are enough to tell what the channel is dedicated to.

7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

An important condition for the prosperity of the channel is its special "chip", which will distinguish it from other vlogs of similar topics. If you don't find such a special thing as, for example, the American Pearl de Wisdom, then there is a great chance that your channel will simply get lost among hundreds of others. Some bloggers take this moment especially seriously and even hire designers who develop an exclusive style.

A special highlight of the channel can be not only the external design, but also a musical screensaver, an unusual greeting and even a non-standard structure of the video. But be careful when choosing a melody — many compositions are copyrighted and it is not recommended to use them. Take the music posted in the public domain, otherwise there is a chance that YouTube will delete your channel. Video hosting is seriously fighting against "pirates" and you can become an accidental victim of this war.

7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

Improvisation is good, but if you decide to seriously engage in blogging, you will have to write scripts. Professional bloggers prepare a script even for short videos lasting a couple of minutes. It happens that the actions of the video are painted in seconds — what should follow what and what time interval should take.

7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

Very few novice bloggers can boast of professional equipment. Cameras and microphones are not cheap, but you can easily do without them. If you have a flagship smartphone that provides good video and sound quality, then this is quite enough for you.

Video post-processing should consist not only in adding various unusual "buns" and special effects, but also in improving the quality of the material itself. Avoid noise or use programs that suppress it. These shooting defects are serious shortcomings that spoil the impression of the material.

Use a good light — if you do not have the funds to purchase professional LED panels and softboxes, use photo zones and reflectors made of paper and foil, made on your own. You can't do without special software, so immediately start mastering Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas Pro and other professional video editing programs.

7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

For any YouTube blogger, regular release of new videos is a mandatory component of success. It is useful to make a schedule for the appearance of new releases and carefully adhere to it. Many well-known bloggers recommend giving an announcement of the next video in each video and even naming the date of its appearance on the network. In this case, subscribers know exactly when they can wait for a new lesson, review or vine.

With the beginning of the working week, on the contrary, there is an increase in network activity. The most promising time intervals can be called from 9 to 12 o'clock in the morning or from 21 to 23 o'clock in the evening. It often turns out to be a good time from 18 to 19 o'clock in the evening, when everyone comes home from work and relaxes at computers or with smartphones in their hands, reading various news and viewing new products offered by video services.

7 tips for a novice YouTube blogger: how to record a video so that it is watched

In any case, do not forget about hashtags and keywords. By choosing the right keys for the content, you can significantly improve its position in the search results. SMM-schiki are used for the selection of such words by special online services, such as Yandex Wordstat or Google Adwords. These services can provide statistics — which words and phrases on your topic are most often entered into the search bar by Internet users.

Keywords: YouTube | Blogging | Videos | Subscribers | Success | Hobbies

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