7 Things People Spent A Lot Of Money On And Don't Use At All

7 Things People Spent A Lot Of Money On And Don't Use At All

Categories: Economy | Life hacks | People | Photo project | Society | Technology | World

Some of the best purchases I’ve ever made were my air fryer, blender, and handheld vacuum. I use them all multiple times a week (sometimes multiple times a day!), and I’ve certainly gotten my money’s worth from them. But there’s no point in owning any of these items if they’ll simply sit in a cabinet collecting dust.

If you’re a big impulse buyer, you likely know the shame of purchasing the latest workout gear, piece of technology, or cooking gadget and then realizing a few months later that it hasn’t seen any action. But if you’re guilty of this, you’re not alone. Redditors have recently been sharing the big purchases they’ve made that certainly weren’t worth it, so we’ve gathered some of their regrets below. Enjoy scrolling through these reminders not to buy a smartwatch just because your colleague did, and keep reading to find a conversation with Laura Turner, aka Thrifty Londoner!


7 Things People Spent A Lot Of Money On And Don't Use At All


Drone. Turns out it’s hard to find legal areas to fly it and everyone hates y

7 Things People Spent A Lot Of Money On And Don't Use At All


A fitness bike. the plan was to watch tv and ride my bike and get fit.. now I just hang clothes on it :(.

7 Things People Spent A Lot Of Money On And Don't Use At All


To gain more insight on this topic from a personal finance expert, we reached out to Laura Turner, also known as Thrifty Londoner. Laura was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and discuss some of the most commonly purchased and later regretted items.

"Trending items endorsed by celebrities or influencers can often be bought in a rush, especially if there is a limited-time-only discount code or promotion on the item," the expert says. "My biggest vice in the past has been expensive skincare. I've bought items that have promised clear skin or anti-aging benefits, only for them to not suit my skin type, and sit virtually unused in the cupboard. I hate to think how much money I have wasted over the years! When I started a very simple routine with minimal products, my skin improved massively."

7 Things People Spent A Lot Of Money On And Don't Use At All


A telescope in a country that's cloudy all the damn time.

7 Things People Spent A Lot Of Money On And Don't Use At All


Bought an expensive watch to celebrate a milestone, but it feels too fancy to wear regularly.

7 Things People Spent A Lot Of Money On And Don't Use At All


Eight cemetery plots. I knew the price was going to double and thought it'd be a good investment. But cemetery plots do not sell like hotcakes.

On the other hand, we were curious about which big purchases Laura believes are worth the investment. "One of the most expensive items that I've bought is a second-hand car," she shared. "I've certainly got my money's worth from the car over the last 18 months, and it has saved me so much time overall. It was so worth the investment."

7 Things People Spent A Lot Of Money On And Don't Use At All


In 2020, I convinced my husband to buy me a sewing machine during lockdowns. It’s been in his closet ever since.

Keywords: People | Things | Money | Economy | Best purchases | Pieces of technology | Gadgets

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