7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handle

7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handle

Categories: Food and Drinks

All nutritionists are vying to say that a full breakfast is the basis of a proper and balanced diet.

We have collected recipes for easy-to-prepare cottage cheese dishes that will help diversify your morning diet and at the same time will not take a lot of time.

(7 photos in total)

7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handleSource: AdMe.ru

7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handle

Classic cottage cheese casserole

You will need:

How to cook:

7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handle

Double-layer cottage cheese casserole with berry sauce

You will need:

For the first layer:

For the second layer:

For berry sauce:

How to cook:

7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handle

Cottage cheese pancakes

You will need:

How to cook:

7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handle

Pancakes with spinach and cottage cheese

You will need:

How to cook:

7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handle

Gnocchi with strawberries and cheese

You will need:

How to cook:

7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handle

Cheese and cottage cheese souffle

You will need:

How to cook:

7 simple cottage cheese breakfasts that any housewife can handle

Cottage cheese cupcakes

You will need:

How to cook:

Keywords: Breakfast | Recipes

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