7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

Categories: Food and Drinks

Red caviar has long been one of the traditional foods that adorn the Christmas table. Agree that it would be a shame to open the jar and see that the eggs are of low quality and not suited for the festive sandwiches. Dry, salty and even broken products is most common among sellers who trade "from hands". But this does not mean that buying a product in the supermarket, we are protected from tampering or defects.

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

The knowledge of only seven simple rules of a choice of red caviar will make you a true expert who never makes mistakes. But despite this knowledge, we recommend that you buy eggs do not with hands, but only in markets and specialized stores.

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

A choice of any eggs, including red, start with a search mark the production date on the packaging. Experts believe that the best caviar is produced in the period from may to October, when salmon is spawning. If the product does not fit the date of manufacture in these six months, then it is likely that it is produced from frozen ovaries.

The ovary is a film that covers fish eggs, a unique natural packaging. When caviar production on an industrial scale, companies do not always recycle all the materials and part of the caviar is frozen directly in the ovary. This is very beneficial, as it facilitates transport and allows for the packaging of perishable product near the final consumer.Bringing the ovary to place them defrost, then remove the eggs and salt. This product is not substandard or dangerous — it just loses much in their taste and content of nutrients.

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

It is best to buy caviar produced in the places of traditional fishing salmon in Kamchatka or Sakhalin. Thus, significantly reduces the possibility of tampering and that the product was made from frozen ovaries.

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

The best caviar is considered to be prepared in accordance with GOST. It must be indicated on the Bank by the supplier. In addition, the ROE issued in accordance with the state standard, it has another important feature — the packaging indicates the species from which it is derived: chum, sockeye, coho or pink salmon.

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

The easiest way to determine the quality of caviar when you buy it in glass jars. It is possible to consider carefully before purchasing and draw appropriate conclusions. First-class eggs must be intact, to have the same color and even size. When you flip banks ROE needs to stay on the walls and the bottom, and not just sliding down. If the caviar from the glass on the lid, it means that it is too runny, and it means one thing — it is low quality.

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

Red caviar can be liquid or not, but it always contains a brine, i.e., brine. The amount is different and you have to remember that the more brine in the Bank, the less there is of the caviar. To determine the quantity of brine is possible even in a jar — for this purpose it is necessary to shake. The gurgling will mean that the liquid inside is too much.

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

You can't trace the path of the cans of caviar from the manufacturer to your table, but where it is in the store plays an important role. According to the requirements of the ROE must be stored in the refrigerator, and at the point of sale too. The temperature also plays an important role — better suited to preserve the qualities of this product range from -4 to -6 °C.

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

If the Bank with red caviar metal, the numbers on its surface should not be etched, but convex. Inside indentation marks marking is an important sign of forgery, which can be hazardous to health. The Bank should not be dented or swollen, to have surface stains or corrosion. "Bombaye", that is, swollen cans contain inside dangerous microorganisms.

7 rules of choosing red caviar for the Christmas table

As we said in the beginning, it is best to buy caviar at the store, and not with the hands, on the market. Today many people buy caviar via the Internet, friends or in loose form. Sellers often claim that their product is the best and obtained directly from a fishing boat drifting off the far Eastern coast of the country. Of course, to believe their word is not worth it, because they just want to sell your product.

Such products will always be potentially dangerous because no one can vouch for the observance of the rules of its production, processing, transport and storage. Of course, if anything, and will not ask with whom. So if you do not want to spoil yourself and your loved ones new year holidays, it is better to abstain from the delicacies of unknown origin.

Yes, in addition to these, we have rules, there are other selection rules that will help avoid mistakes when buying. If you learn to use them, then you can consider yourself a real expert.

Keywords: Feast | Caviar | Cooking | Salmon | Christmas | Counterfeit products | Fish | Term | Supermarket

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