7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

Categories: Society

transgender love

In today's tolerant countries, gender reassignment operations are no longer surprising - people quite often decide to take such a step if they feel that nature has made a mistake in choosing a sex for them. However, in this collection we will talk about truly unique cases - these are the stories of transsexuals in love.

Some of them went into surgery even before they met their soul mate, while others made "castling" already in the process of relationship. Here you will read about romances in which the participants believe that the main thing is love, and whether your partner has XX or XY chromosomes is not so important. Who knows, perhaps it was precisely due to the fact that the “terms” were reversed that the “sum” turned out to be happy couples.

7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

1. Arin Andrews and Katie Hill

Arin and Kathy, lovers from Oklahoma, at first glance, are no different from thousands of other couples. Katy is two years older than her boyfriend, but now there are love affairs with a larger age difference, so this is nothing special. However, recently the history of their relationship has become known to the whole world: the fact is that just a couple of years ago, 17-year-old Arin was a girl named Emeralda, and 19-year-old Katie was born a young man, and her name was Luke.

Lovers from Tulsa, Oklahoma, underwent sex reassignment surgery and claim that this is what they wanted all their adult lives. Cathy and Arin met two years ago in a support group for transgender teens, and when it turned out that, in addition to changing the sex, the young man and the girl had a lot in common, mutual sympathy grew into a serious feeling. The families of Arina and Katy support their relationship in every possible way, so such an unusual romance has every chance of ending in a wedding.

7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

2. Jamie Eagle and Louis Davis

The love story of Jamie and Louis differs from the relationship between Katy and Arin, first of all, in that the couple decided on a sex change operation only after they met each other, and now they are in love in the process of a “transgender journey”.

Jamie Eagle, 20, and her fiancé, Louis Davies, 25, live in Wales. The couple got engaged after a dizzying 9-month romance, and in March of this year, the lovers legalized their relationship, however, for now they decided to refrain from intimacy, as they still have to complete and most important stage of the sex change process - genital transplantation.

7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

3. Alexis and Karen

The marriage of a transgender couple from Argentina is truly unique: Alexis and Karen are preparing to become parents, and their unborn child is not adopted, but native. The girl is expected to be born in December this year, and the happy couple have already chosen her name - Genesis Angelina. For the sake of conceiving her first child, Alexis stopped taking testosterone, but after the birth of the child, she is going to resume the process and eventually become a man.

In May 2012, a law was passed in Argentina, according to which any person has the right to change sex simply at will, without additional examinations, while all necessary changes in legal status can be made even before the operation. Alexis and Karen decide to take advantage of this revolutionary innovation to have a baby and they are not at all embarrassed that, in fact, the father will give birth to the girl.

7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

4. Felix Lowes and Helen Morfit

Felix and Helen are one of the UK's most unusual couples. Walking down the street, they attract attention if only because the wife is a head taller than her husband, but this is by no means the strangest thing in this marriage. Lowes and Morfit became the first transgender couple in Foggy Albion to officially legalize their love union. The lovers have been together for almost six years, and Helen became a woman on September 13, 2003, and Felix underwent surgery on September 13, 2010, after he met Helen.

They met in 2008 at a transgender support group. Before the sex change, 56-year-old Helen was married three times to various women who gave birth to her (then him) eight children. Not all children and former spouses reacted calmly to Helen's decision, but this did not stop her. Interestingly, for 46-year-old Felix, this marriage is also not the first: before the fateful meeting with the love of his life, while still a woman, he was married and has two sons.

7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

5. Chen Li and Jiang Ling

“We got married a year ago and we want to switch roles with the help of a sex change operation,” a Chinese man who prefers to hide behind the pseudonym Chen Li said in an interview. Chen and his wife, Jiang Ling, look and act like a normal middle-aged couple, but they're sure to get a lot of press and public attention in the near future, as cases of double gender reassignment are not all that common.

Chen claims that prior to the decision to have a transgender operation, they constantly fought because their role in the relationship did not correspond to gender. “I need someone I can rely on. So that Jiang could take care of me, I decided to become a woman,” Chen explained. His wife, in turn, says that she decided to take this step because she was tired of constant quarrels with her mother-in-law. Once, after another scandal with her husband's mother, Jiang told Chen: "If I were a man and you were a woman, I would not endure such bullying," and her husband immediately agreed with her.

7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

6. Jane and Ann Watson

Sometimes, in order to save a relationship, spouses have to take such drastic measures as a sex change operation. Barry and Ann got married in 2002, but after a few years the couple cooled off towards each other: Ann noticed some oddities in her husband's behavior, which caused a lot of omissions and conflicts. In 2008, Barry finally admitted to his wife that he felt like a woman and could not do anything about it.

Barry and Ann found an unexpected way out of the situation: instead of breaking up, they decided that their marriage was above prejudice, and Barry eventually became Jane. In 2011, the lovers remarried - Ann proved to the whole world that she accepts her husband as he is.

According to Ann, she sometimes misses the old Barry, but there is also a positive side to same-sex relationships: "Now we can discuss hairstyles, clothes and cosmetics together."

Of course, this is not a double sex change operation, but still, love that is stronger than gender issues deserves respect.

7 curious stories about couples in love who made a double sex change

7. Janine Newman and David Willis

In 1994, Janine and David turned to the English Queen Elizabeth II to allow them to officially register their relationship. At that time, transsexuals were already living together, and for complete happiness they lacked only stamps in their passports.

A couple from the British city of Louth (Lincolnshire) met when Janine was preparing to change sex, and after the operation took place, the lovers realized that they could not live without each other. In her letter to the Queen, published in the Grimsby Evening Telegraph, Miss Newman stated: “David Willis and I want to get married. We intend to spend our whole lives together, and in order for us to take David's daughter from our first marriage into our family, our relationship must be formalized legally.

Keywords: Love | Relationship | Couple | Transgender

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