6 tiny creatures capable of causing unbearable pain

6 tiny creatures capable of causing unbearable pain

Categories: Health and Medicine

In this world, we are surrounded by living beings of different sizes. We are used to being wary of big and dangerous-looking neighbors, but this is wrong. The experience of mankind shows that the smallest creatures can create the greatest problems. We have already written more than once about deadly epidemics caused by bacteria and viruses. This time we will talk about larger enemies, which, however, are not always distinguishable with the naked eye.

6 tiny creatures capable of causing unbearable pain

6 tiny creatures capable of causing unbearable pain

Round parasitic hookworms can enter the body of any person. This happens completely unnoticed, for example, when walking barefoot on the ground. Tiny parasites penetrate through the skin, penetrate into the vessels and move through them into the intestines. There hookworms are transformed, increasing in size and growing teeth. After that, the worms begin to literally devour the human intestines, causing severe suffering.

6 tiny creatures capable of causing unbearable pain

Transparent fish vandellii (candiru) live in the rivers of the Amazon basin. The length of their transparent body is only a few millimeters, so it is almost impossible to see these inhabitants of the reservoir in their environment. Vandellias prefer to gather where mammals, including humans, enter the water.

The tiny fish sensitively detects urine in the water and penetrates into the urethra. There the fish spreads its fins with hooks, literally tearing the urethra. All this sadist needs is the blood of the victim, which the fish feeds on. It often happens that Vandellia dies along with its victim. To save a person attacked by such a fish, you need to carry out a complex operation.

6 tiny creatures capable of causing unbearable pain

Tiny flying insects-riders of chalcida do not seem dangerous at all and, at first glance, look like ordinary midges. But these little monsters trade by laying eggs under the skin of animals and humans. The eggs hatch into larvae that live in the body for several weeks, feeding on its tissues. But when the time comes, they leave the owner, just gnawing their way out.

It happens that chalcids choose ear passages for reproduction. In this case, the larvae, making their way to freedom, may well get into the brain. It's not only painful, but almost certainly fatal. Fortunately, of the many species of these riders, only a few are dangerous to humans and they all live in the tropics.

6 tiny creatures capable of causing unbearable pain

Another insect capable of laying eggs under the skin and causing incredible suffering. The Wolfart fly differs little from the usual one, which makes it even more dangerous. Adults rarely exceed 10 mm in size, and larvae are up to 5 mm long. Most often, the eyes, ears and nasal mucosa are affected. The larvae make moves in the tissues, gnawing through them with powerful jaws. This causes terrible pain and severe swelling.

6 tiny creatures capable of causing unbearable pain

The sand flea is a parasite up to 2 mm long, living in the coastal strip, near the water. They prefer warm climes and sandy beaches, but they may well show up where they are not expected at all. Like ordinary fleas, sand fleas jump well and feed on blood. At the same time, the female parasites bite into the skin and stay inside to lay eggs.

The flea lives in the body for about a week, significantly increasing in size. At this time, the affected area swells and becomes like a white pea. As a result, the female dies, and the tumor bursts, releasing small fleas into the wild. It is possible to get rid of the parasite only surgically.

6 tiny creatures capable of causing unbearable pain

Parasites, which are called subcutaneous worms, are living organisms of different types and sizes. What unites them is that they choose deep layers of skin and even muscle tissue for life. You can get infected with such worms both through the bite of an insect carrier, for example, a mosquito, and through contact with infected pets. All worms living under the skin cause severe itching and acute pain. Some of them are deadly.

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