5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

Categories: Design and Architecture

When the buildings they lived and worked people, now it's a shelter for fish and wild plants.

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

Church Of St. Nicholas

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Mavrovo Macedonia was built in 1850. For 153 years, there was worship, yet in this place not decided to build an artificial lake to supply the village with water.

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

The Church was fully submerged, but global climate change in recent years has led to the fact that she regularly began to appear in the middle of the lake

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

The bell tower in Kalyazin. Once it was high river, there was a monastery, it was a bustling market square, and now in the middle of the surface of the river rises only the bell tower, and only the wind sometimes shakes the old bells.

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

The bell tower (height 74.5 m) built in 6 years. She had 12 bells

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

When you create the Uglich reservoir, the old part of Kalyazin was in the flood zone; the Cathedral was dismantled and the belfry is partially under water. The bell tower was saved, as it was planned to convert into a parachute tower. Later, around the bell tower was created an artificial island with a jetty for boats

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

The JAL Mahal,India. The JAL Mahal is striking for its unusual architectural solution – it's right in the middle of a small lake a few kilometers from the city of Jaipur. Once it was the summer residence of the Royal family and was built in the middle of the XVIII century.

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

The walls look great on the shimmering green waters of lake man Sagar. The Palace seems to be a giant iceberg, still frozen in the middle of the lake. His four first floor is hidden under water.

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

During migration, birds Palace attracts not only lovers of antiquities, but ornithologists. The Palace JAL Mahal can be reached only by boat

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

Church Altgraun on lake Reschen, Italy

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

In 1950, near the Austrian-Italian border there was an artificial lake Reschen, which completely hid the village of Graun.

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

A week before the flooding of the village Church was dismantled, and the bell tower of the XIV century it was decided to leave, and now it rises above the water surface, and the inhabitants of the surrounding villages say that in winter, when the lake is covered by ice, some nights it is possible to distinguish the ringing of the bells long shot.

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

Church Of Potosi, Venezuela. In 1985, the Venezuelan government ordered the residents of a tiny town in the West of the country to immediately move to other places: in this place it was decided to build a hydroelectric power station and reservoir

5 of the most spectacular of flooded buildings

Citizens were reluctant to leave their homes, and then President personally came to Potosi and convinced them to move. River Uribante covered the streets, but the spire of the Church disappeared under water and for many years was reminded of Potosi.

Keywords: People | Building | Design and architecture

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