5 mental disorders that most often affect residents of megacities

5 mental disorders that most often affect residents of megacities

Categories: Health and Medicine

A big city provides a person with comfort and a lot of space for self-realization. But there is also a downside to the medal — a special rhythm of life, constant stress and lack of opportunity to relax create a favorable ground for many mental illnesses. What disorders are most susceptible to residents of large cities and how to recognize them in a timely manner?

5 mental disorders that most often affect residents of megacities

5 mental disorders that most often affect residents of megacities

Residents of large cities, especially women, are particularly likely to encounter this disorder. Its danger is that sooner or later everything ends in burnout and depression. That is why experts recommend not to start an anxiety disorder and contact a specialist at the first signs of it. The following symptoms should alert you:

5 mental disorders that most often affect residents of megacities

This syndrome, characteristic of residents of large cities, is associated with constant responsibility for the life and well-being of people who are dependent on you and your actions. The development of the disease causes an increased emotional load, and the first symptoms do not cause serious concern and are often attributed to banal fatigue. Infectious diseases, including the usual flu, can provoke an exacerbation of the syndrome. You can recognize the problem by the following signs:

5 mental disorders that most often affect residents of megacities

Emotional and physical overload, lack of sleep and constant stress contribute to the development of depression. All this is enough in the life of a modern person, so almost all citizens are at risk. This mental state is very insidious, because a person can suffer from it and not even suspect it. Depression is mistaken for laziness, fatigue, whimsy, which you can get rid of at any time, but this is a dangerous, sometimes fatal disease. His symptoms are as follows:

5 mental disorders that most often affect residents of megacities

A painful mental state in which a person experiences serious discomfort in large open spaces and in spacious rooms. Agoraphobia can develop as a result of constant stress and heavy physical and psychological loads. Lack of communication can also cause this mental illness. The symptoms of agoraphobia are few and obvious:

5 mental disorders that most often affect residents of megacities

Many residents of large cities struggle with mental problems, eating them or resorting to the help of alcohol. This not only does not help, but also leads to the appearance of addictions, which in themselves are considered painful conditions and can destroy a person's life.

Alcohol, food, nicotine addiction, as well as a pathological passion for gambling or computer games and TV series are recognized very simply. If a person cannot voluntarily do without contact with the subject of addiction for several days or weeks, experiences irritability and mood changes, then this is a reason to seek help from a specialist.

Keywords: Doctor | Depression | Addiction | Megapolis | Mental disorders | Therapy

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