35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

Categories: Photo project | World

The great photographer Robert Frank once said, "Black and white are the colors of photography. For me, they symbolize hope and despair, which ever exposed to humanity."

In his words, the photographer put a lot of sense, not mentioning just how difficult it can be to create a black and white picture when you want to do something remarkable, especially in the portrait genre.

35 stunning black and white portraitsMany, if not most black-and-white portraits, which you will find on the net will not cause the interest of the audience. They don't have your character look like color photos, presented in a monochrome version. The "correct" black and white portraits have a different message, which changes with the vivid colors. We offer you to look at a collection of portraits that could look so chic color.

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

35 stunning black and white portraits

Keywords: Faces | People | Portraits | B/W | Black and white photography | Black and white style

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