35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

Categories: North America | Social Networks | World

The U.S. state of Texas is struggling with a cold, which is not seen for the last 30 years. The last time the cold of this level was here in 1989.

When the temperature dropped below -10 C (14F), the power of the state have failed, as it could not meet the demand for electricity. Started periodic blackouts, resulting in millions of people were left without electricity for several hours or even days.

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

Texas Maritime patrol 141 saved a sea turtle from the cold waters of the Ship channel Brownsville and surrounding bays

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"My friend from Texas, has vowed that he will never sit in the helicopter after Iraq. Today he broke the promise, because he needs to take care of patients, and this was the only way to reach them"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Parents let the dog out into the street after a snowfall. It's hers"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Remove the snow with the help of box TV set-top box"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"My dog loved the snow!"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"My Mama in Texas made the snow octopus and painted it to bring some light in dark times"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Malcolm shows that he loves Texas snow. "Yes. Let's always be" he"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Well, at least someone likes what is happening"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"I don't know who hurt Princess Elsa from "frozen", but you should apologize to her"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"That's so cold in my apartment. I'm Texan and I are not ready, of course. I do not care"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"The apartment is now minus six and electricity is not included, it seems, until the morning. Every hour, the temperature dropped another degree or two. Well, I have a cool all-season tent!"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Just left the water to flow to the pipes don't freeze. Failed. Taylor, Texas"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"24 hours without electricity here in Texas, but we saw the first snow"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"I think I'll wait until next week"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

Saving sea turtles in South Padre island (Cameron County, Texas). Saved 1500 turtles... but nothing can warm

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"It turns out that the snowflakes really look like they usually draw. It's true!"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"No electricity, but yesterday they sent me a photo of the guy, riding the ski in front of Congress!"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Not everyone can boast that went snowboarding in Texas"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Finally, in Texas the snow has gone, and only local ski slope is protected"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Hi. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

Texas Longhorn in Enchanted Rock State Park, February 2021. FREDERICKSBURG, TX

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"I saw a German street freezers and decided to share, from Texas"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

Frost on Valentine's Day in Houston in 2021

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Don't go on the highway, it's too dangerous. Drivers can lose control and crash into you"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Cactus in the snow — this is some surreal!"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"More than a day without electricity. In the house about five degrees. But at least warm food to eat"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"I feel like I was in the Thriller "30 days of night". Very beautiful, but scary"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Back to the natural environment"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Went to the toilet. A real photo of Dallas"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"We are from 8 am to 6 PM spent the day in the car to stay warm. Refueled and went to eat. Welcome to Houston, also known as Narnia"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

Texas farmers now difficult — you need to take care of animals and plants, for which frost can be fatal

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"Yes, I'm in Texas. Yes, we're not very used to sub-zero temperatures. But I've never seen our pool began to freeze"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"The new System of Winter Snowfall has tested our limits in different ways. Pushing us to the limit. Creating problems, which we were not expecting, and demanding us to take difficult decisions"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"It's hard to believe I'm still in Texas"

35 photographs about what is happening now in the frozen Texas

"It's Texas, baby"

Keywords: North America | Snow | TX | Peace | Frost | Cataclysm | Social networks

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