30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

Categories: Animals | Positive

Get ready to smile and be amazed! Comparing furry pets before and after a haircut is always fun and amazing. After all, grooming is not only professional care, but also a real art. Sometimes magic happens, and pets are transformed, becoming real handsome men. But it happens that groomers do not always guess with the image, and the result of their work causes a smile. In our selection, you will see three dozen not entirely successful examples of haircuts, after which the owners did not immediately recognize their pets.

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

1. Bearded gentleman after grooming

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

2. "Why does my dog look like an emo after a haircut"

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

3. Ball on paws

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

4. It's style baby

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

5. What is this, a small seal?

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

6. Let's be honest: this haircut can hardly be called unsuccessful. Let this be a pleasant addition to our collection.

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

7. The dog broke down

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

8. “My dog got a haircut. I refuse to believe it's the same dog."

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

SourcePhoto 9Groomer Cat: "You'll pay for this, man."

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

10. Why did they do this to him?

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

11. Plush dog

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

12. Kote is unhappy with the circumstances

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

13. “I bet my dog would write a bad review for this groomer.”

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

14. This guy doesn't like the haircut either.

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

15. Sheep dog

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

16. The dog seems to have understood the meaning of life after the groomer

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

17. "What did they do to my dog?"

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

18. Dobby, is that you?

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

19. "The owners asked me to do this haircut"

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

20. Fluffy cloud

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

21. Groomer screwed up a little

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

22. It turned out a dog with a mini-head

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

23. That's why I'm afraid to go to the hairdresser ...

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

24. And in the eyes - sadness

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

25. "My dog is now a sheep"

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

26. “Groomers shaved my poor husky even though I just asked for a little hair trim.”

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

27. They wanted to make a dragon out of a poor cat

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

28. “Always specify what haircut you want for the dog, otherwise you will end up with something like this ..”

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

29. Half cat

30 funny photos of dogs and cats after a bad haircut

30. Another weird haircut

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